Class Notes and Newsmakers
As I write this, it is Christmas week and our first measurable snow fell two days ago! Here’s to a white Christmas!✹ Haroldene Whitcomb Wolf reports that she and her family were able to resume their annual gathering (since 1968) in New Hampshire last summer, though the camps on Squam Lake were operating at 50-percent capacity for lack of foreign-student employees. She enjoys life at her CCRC in Florida playing lots of croquet, bocce, and ping pong. Sounds like Deanie! Her grandson is a junior at Lehigh, and her granddaughter a senior in high school.✹ A long letter came from Robert Sage reminiscing over his years as a student, chairman of the Alumni Council, 19 years as a member of the Colby Board of Trustees, and as “chairman of the committee in solicitation of donations, gifts, and funds for Colby over these years.” He and his wife, Phyllis, just celebrated their 72nd year of marriage. They “have been blessed with three children, seven grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.” Bob and Phyllis had a summer home on Cape Cod in Mashpee. “We visited a gift store and saw a display of pillows with inscriptions of quotations from various colleges. We spotted one with the following of Colby: ‘It’s hard to be humble when you’re from Colby.’” Needless to say, they bought it, and it now sits in a place of honor on top of one of their sofas. “It’s emblematic of our strong feeling for Colby, then and now!”✹ Cynthia Crook Lieck writes that she’s still in Venice, Fla., happily near her daughters. “This past Thanksgiving was reunion-like at one daughter and son-in-law’s, 10 children (greats) from early high school down to three 2-year-olds, four of the 10 mine.” Cynthia closes with a wish for us all for a healthy 2022.✹ I had a telephone call from Joan Smith Rogers, who lives in Bar Harbor at Birch Bay Retirement Community. She reports that Birch Bay is a good facility and that she’s well taken care of. She wishes us all to “have a good rest of your life!”✹ And now for the part of this job I like the least. Stephen Parker notified me that his mother, Alice Rogers Parker, passed away Oct. 20, 2021. Late last year, I tried to call Nellie MacDougall Parks, only to discover she passed away Sept. 16, 2021. Nellie and I go back to our freshman year at Colby when we both lived in “good old Hedman” on the old campus, the first year it had become a girls’ dorm. We have been good friends ever since and have kept in touch through the years. Do you remember her classic Maine accent? I can still hear her “ayuh.” Lon and I came to Maine every summer, and we always would get together with Nellie and Warren and with Jean Pelletier Sutphin and her husband. Oh, what fond and great memories! She will be missed by all who knew her. The obituaries for both these wonderful classmates will be found further along in this issue of the magazine.✹ And so I come to the end of another column for the ’49ers. Please remember to send me news at any time for my ’49 file. And here’s to a more normal 2022 with Covid-19 more or less behind us.
Sadly, we’ve lost several classmates in the last year, including Bob Peck, who passed away June 6, 2021. His interest in Colby was always strong, and his friendship with Burt Silberstein ’49 and Herb Nagle ’52 lasted a lifetime.✹ Harland Eastman, as president of the Sanford-Springvale Historical Society, continues to make it one of the most active groups in town.✹ As for myself, Fred Boyle, I keep active with the York County Senior College, working on my new book, Early Families of Buxton, Maine, and performing with the Sanford Maine Stage Company. In December I played Scrooge in Scrooge with a Twist.
It pleases me that Bob Kline stops at 788 High Street to visit with Mary and me. Bob plays racquetball and pickleball at the Bath YMCA on Thursdays and often stops for a chat before traveling home. Bob continues to be very active. He works to preserve and promote the lighthouse in his town, and he has for some time donated time to a boat-building activity. Bob spends winter months in Florida and travels to California on occasion. He misses the friends he was close to at Colby, but he pleases Mary and me with his visits.✹ After living in Maine for 30 years, and loving it, Joan and Dave Morse have moved to Massachusetts to be closer to family. They both continue to enjoy good health and frequent visits from children and grandchildren. Dave and Joan walk a lot, and they also enjoy long rides through the countryside. Maine’s loss is a gain for Massachusetts, which I’m sure has welcomed a wonderful couple.✹ Betsy Fisher Caldwell writes that after 65 years she has moved from Birmingham to Nashville, Tenn., and is very happy with the move. Betsy has seven great-grandchildren. That is seven more than yours truly. I’ll have to tell my grandchildren to get busy! I’m certain Betsy keeps busy with family matters.✹ Mary and I planned once again to forego a trip south for the winter and happily stayed in Maine. Mary is 92 and I’m 94, so long trips that were okay a few years ago seem a lot longer now. Also, we enjoy going to the Colby basketball and hockey games. I encourage classmates out there who have not responded to our request for news to do so. It’s painless, and people do like to hear how their classmates are doing. Send me an email anytime.
Going through the notes I received, I see that almost everyone said something about the pandemic, but all are in good health.✹ Priscilla Eaton Billington attended a family wedding in Charlottesville. The bride: Katy Billington ’11, her granddaughter. There were too many Colby friends in attendance to name here.✹ Barbara Studley Barnette wrote about her big Fourth of July celebration in Orleans. It was a barbecue for 120 family and friends, ending with a flag lowering and a loud cannon blast.✹ Alan Whittaker sent some “catch-up” news of years since graduation; 1953 was supposed to be that year, but the Korean War interrupted his plans. He returned four years later, a married man. Going on, he earned his M.B.A. then became a hospital administrator in both New York City and Englewood, N.J. He’s now retired from the Fairfax VA Hospital after 15 years.✹ Rick Tyler is “still hanging in there” as he and his wife play golf, tennis, and take long walks with Winston, their Havanese dog. They still spend summers by the ocean in Maine and hoped to spend Christmas in Victor, Idaho, with their son, grandkids, and great-grandkids. He sends his best to all.✹ Loretta “Tommi” Thompson Staples would like to hear from more classmates about surviving the pandemic, as did she. She said she learned to enjoy her own company. Knitting, no travel, and using technology to keep in touch with Carolyn English Caci and with her sister Susan Thompson Bragg ’69, living in Bangor.✹ John Lee, always in touch, says the year was not good for him, having lost his wife, Cheryl Reed ’67, in 2020 and getting over a number of falls, full of cuts and bruises. His daughter and son-in-law help him, especially financially. Art Eddy ’54 does take him to dinner when in town. He still hopes to attend our 70th reunion.✹ Electra Paskalides Coumou sent a long note about getting through the pandemic; she and her husband gradually attempted to get back to normal. Their main activity has been playing bridge, first online and then in person with only vaccinated couples. In September they took a cruise on the St. Lawrence River from Kingston, Ont., to Québec City, taking careful Covid precautions for peace of mind. In November she and Karl traveled to a family wedding in Arizona. While out West, they visited Palm Springs and Joshua Tree National Park, then went from quiet 29 Palms to the bright lights of Las Vegas. Back home, they enjoy life in a condo community without the worries of snow shoveling or gardening, near two daughters and the grandchildren. Electra noted that she’ll be 90 this year and made it known to family that she expected a big birthday party. She spent February in warm Florida.✹ Back in March 2021, Joyce Maguire Demers sent me photos of her two great-great-grandchildren. She has 17 “greats”: her oldest is 26 and her youngest is almost 2. By comparison, her oldest grandchild is 46 and her youngest son is 57. In October she went to Maine’s Cumberland Fair, where she was surprised to see the Colby woodsmen’s team, giving demonstrations of old logging skills such as chopping, sawing, ax throwing, pole climbing, and many more. The demos drew huge crowds. Coach David Smith gave a little history of the team, saying that it has been going on since the ’50s, but Joyce doesn’t remember it when we were students. Do you?✹ A few days after Christmas, I had a phone call from the son of Diane Chamberlin Starcher ’54. I was saddened to hear that Diane had just passed away after being hospitalized a few days. Diane and I had been together at Sebago Lake for two summers, having lunch on the lake’s edge and taking afternoon walks near her son’s vacation home. It seemed like we had just connected since college; now just a fond memory.
Joan Somerville Walsh moved from her old farmhouse in Mars Hill, Maine, after 67 years to the big city of Presque Isle, Maine. While in Mars Hill, she raised potatoes, chickens, and two wonderful sons, David and Greg. Joan does miss her piano. She played at the Methodist church since she was a teenager.✹ David and Carole Bullock Adams left their home of 29 years for a life care center to assist David. Carole has been writing about their Bolivian missionary days and the adoption of a Bolivian boy. Carole enjoys her family, who continue to be deeply involved in the Methodist church.✹ Jim Rapaport is also a Floridian. He and his wife, Dr. Wendy Satin, send greeting to the class.✹ John Krusell retains his good sense of humor in the face of the challenges of living alone. As John says, “I’m responsible for everything.”✹ Tony and Marlene Hurd Jabar have moved from their Florida home back to Waterville and are in an assisted living facility.✹ Sue Johnson and Freeman Sleeper were married for 30 years. In the evening of life, Sue continues to enjoy the company of their four children—Paul, Mark, Deborah, and Jonathan—six grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.✹ Bob Anderson was recently hospitalized and now has transitioned to a memory care center. His wife, Sally, faithfully visits with him daily.✹ Mary Mastin Campbell and her husband, Bill, a 2015 Nobel Prize recipient in medicine, have lived for the past 12 years in the Edgewood retirement community in North Andover, Mass. You can read more about their life together and Bill’s groundbreaking work in eradicating river blindness in his biographical memoir, Catching the Worm. It’s available through Amazon.✹ Chris Henderson Harper remains in touch with Diane Chamberlain Starcher (who sadly passed after Chris reported in). They both worked together in their youth at a restaurant in Ocean Park, Maine. Chris is well but was getting cold with a bit of snow. She keeps warm with a constant flow of books from Amazon.✹ Helen Cross Stabler shared a Colby moment. It was between semesters in January and bitterly cold outside. Bored by hours of bridge, she and some fellow co-eds ventured to walk to town for coffee and an English muffin. Time and again they were beaten back by the strong winds and the cold and returned to their dorm. “That was winter at Colby.”✹ Peter Fishbin enjoys keeping in touch with sporting events. His last time on campus was for the opening of the new art museum wing. He expressed amazement at the expanded Colby campus.✹ Tom Hunt expressed gratitude for his “very reasonably good health.” Further, he was grateful to be able to see, hear, walk, think, taste, and smell; to have abundant food, warm clothes, warm bed, and home; and to have a loving family who offer constant support. “How I use these treasures of my life is my challenge. It is to live life the best I’m able with constant thanks to the Holy Spirit of Jesus.”✹ Don Grout has been living in his new home in Lake Placid for more than a year. He enjoys the beautiful community and continues to farm the land. Don turned 90 in December.✹ Robert “Whitey” Thurston related, “I keep physically active by playing shuffleboard and ping pong, shooting pool, riding a tricycle with my dog in the rear basket, walking, and strength training on Zoom. To keep mentally active, I read books, am addicted to my iPad and smartphone, play cribbage, and write occasional memoirs for family consumption.”✹ Art Eddy: thank you for 17 years of inordinate service as our class correspondent.✹ Dick Leerburger shared this wonderful memory: “Many years ago, I was science editor for LOOK magazine and was invited by the National Science Foundation to travel to McMurdo Station, Antarctica, to report on science work at the various U.S. bases there. I was fortunate to reach the South Pole some 850 miles south of McMurdo to report on the station’s scientific work housed beneath the ice cap. While talking to several ‘residents,’ I encountered a young seaman, whose job was to handle all communications. I introduced myself, and he replied: ‘I’m Seaman Charlie Koons.’ I replied, ‘My college geology professor was also named Koons, Donaldson Koons.’ Charlie replied: ‘Oh, you went to Colby? That’s my dad.’” Just proves Colby has a very long reach.
David Ward wrote to say that he’s lucky to be alive to respond to my request for news. “After 30 years at the University of Minnesota, my wife and I moved 20 years ago to Mill Valley in the San Francisco Bay area so I could live in an area without snow and ice—and write a book about my years of research on Alcatraz (Alcatraz: The Gangster Years, University of California Press). My focus on life in federal supermax prisons after Alcatraz continued; an article in Colby Magazine several years ago described some of this work. But recently, an investigative reporter who had worked for the Washington Post interviewed me at great length about my 10-year relationship with ‘the most dangerous man in the federal prison system.’ His book will be out in the spring. My career involved interviewing other people, so being the subject of interviews was a new experience.”
Kathy McConaughy Zambello is well but stays close to home. This spring she’s planning a trip to Vero Beach to see Chris Layer Larson. It all depends on the traveling situation.✹ Barbara “BJ” Davis Howard likes following the lives of eight grandchildren. She celebrated two weddings, one in Baltimore, the other in Philadelphia. Of the two grand-twins who grew up in her home, one is an attorney in Los Angeles, the other is a physician there. She enjoys church and its programs and an art group with friends. She also spends time with a sister, who lives nearby.✹ Robert Weiss is part of a multi-generation Colby family: his father, Class of 1924; a sister, Barbara Weiss Alpert ’53; his brother-in-law, Hershel Alpert ’53, and a grand-niece now attending Colby.✹ Janet Nordgren Meryweather, a snowbird since 1986, arrived in Florida after Thanksgiving and feels that the milder climate has extended her life, now revolving around an expanding family. When she married Steen, she took on his children as well. They called the family the “Brady Bunch of Bar Harbor.” She now has 10 grands, with two more to come in March and June. After surgery for left broken ankle bones and recovery time, she could tend her gardens, even though her beautiful peonies had passed. Her attitude, adapted from Clint Eastwood’s motto, is: “I will not let the old lady in.”✹ Franklin Huntress says that the past two years have taken their toll in separation and necrology lists. He found hope and happiness when he visited Mayflower Hill with a family whose son loves the College and its life: “educational buildings for all manner of learning to flourish, not only on campus but also in downtown Waterville, and an athletic facility second to none. Thanks to Paula and Peter Lunder, the Alfond Foundation, and numerous donors, art and music are alive and well.” He hopes that our class will be able to get together in June for old times and to see how Colby has entered into the new age.✹ Pam Honsberger writes of Karl Honsberger’s passing July 13, 2021, from Parkinson’s and other maladies.
I (Don Tracy) truly enjoy being correspondent because I get to read what’s happening in our classmates’ lives, respond to their news, and trade a few pictures.✹ Cedric Harring ( says hello from the dry West. “Arlette and I moved to Midway, Utah, a year ago and love the high and currently too-dry climate. Sunshine is all but nonstop. We’re about 45 miles from Salt Lake City. I gave up skiing last year because I couldn’t handle the steep terrain and didn’t wish to simply putter about on the beginner slopes.” They hoped to fly to Boston for Christmas to visit family and then return to Tucson, where they winter in a 39-foot motorhome and e-bike on 130-plus miles of paved bike and hiking trails. “Other places we’ve visited are Palm Springs and Ely, Nev., where I spent a couple of hours driving a steam locomotive on the northern Nevada Railroad. Next year, I’ll try driving a diesel electric. Some of us oldies never grow up.”✹ Dick and Marilyn “Perk” Perkins Canton ( are still in good shape. “We’re happily in Naples, Fla., then always off to Maine in mid-July, hopefully for this year, too. Life has been good for us. As mentioned, we’re active (some days ‘yes,’ some ‘not so much’) playing golf, walking beaches, visiting good friends, and communicating with our families. I loved my Colby years with so many good friends, Chi O, and lots of activities. Judy Prophett Timken and I still keep in touch after being roomies for four years.✹ John Conkling ( remains busy. “I hope to be skiing in January. My dear wife, Nancy, is in bad shape and will have an operation in February on her spine that should get her back into good health. We still want to get back to Colby next spring to observe what’s going on downtown and on campus. It’s amazing how Colby has grown.”✹ Ronald Rasmussen ( has help around his home since he’s paralyzed. “My son, along with his wife and 6-year-old daughter, all live with me. They’re a blessing, and I thank God for them and my other children and grandchildren. I remain grateful for my excellent health and for living in a free country.”✹ Judy Prophett Timken ( remains active. “A year ago, Bill and I moved from our home of 47 years in Lafayette, Calif., to a smaller home in Walnut Creek closer to our older children. Bill’s health had been deteriorating for five years and it was time to downsize. On Sept. 27, 2021, Bill passed away with all of us by his side. His memorial was held Oct. 31, where 300 masked and vaccinated friends and family celebrated his life. He touched many lives in positive ways. We haven’t been close to the College in some years, but it’s where Bill and I met. Our journey together lasted 64 wonderful years. One of Bill’s colleagues always urged him to attend the ‘big game’ (Cal vs. Stanford football). Bill always said ‘no’ and finally told him, ‘The big game for me is Colby vs. Bowdoin.’ Yes, Bill’s sense of humor never waned, and his mind remained sharp to the end.”✹ The latest adventure for Michaline “Mikki” Mano ( was an unexpected move to Wilmington, N.C., to be near her daughter. “The original plan was to spend the fall and winter months there and the other months at my seaside home in New Jersey. However, last August I put the Ocean Grove, N.J., property up for sale to test the market. To my amazement, it sold instantly. I’m beginning a new chapter in my golden years but still thanking God for so many blessings and wonderful experiences.”✹ That brings the news to a close. Linda and I still have six children, four of them and families living nearby in Maine. As I was composing this, our conure parrot perched nearby, but only for a while. He became bored because my attention was on sharing your news and not his tweets, which repeatedly exclaimed, “pretty bird.” Okay, Kiwi, I told the entire class your news, too!
Doug Hatfield has fully retired from almost 60 years of practicing law in Hillsboro, N.H. He and his wife, Judy (Ingram ’60), have moved to a retirement community in Concord, and Doug is happy to have much more time to read and celebrate the fact that Colby is flourishing.✹ Larry LaPointe is retired after 57 years of teaching, the last 30 at the University of Maine, Augusta, where he worked with veterans, helping them adjust to a new life and improve their writing skills. He’s busy with family, especially spending time with his eight grandchildren, who keep him young by inviting him to dance recitals, gymnastic meets, soccer and basketball games, and concerts like the Jersey Boys and Pentatonix. He reciprocates by taking them to shows at the Brunswick Music Theater. Larry has fond memories of our time at the College and felt especially sad to note the passing of his fraternity brother Ernie Gauer.✹ Jane Gibbons has been splitting her time between Southern California and Sweden, Maine, and decided to make the Maine farmhouse her permanent residence. Housemates include her daughter, son-in-law Greg, and 15-year-old granddaughter, who joined her when Fryeburg Academy, Greg’s employer, could no longer supply housing for a family of three. Jane’s life is now a bit more lively and challenging: having three housemates, struggling to heat the 1828 dwelling, and managing transportation for four varied schedules. “Having two electric cars helps.”✹ John and Marian Woodsome Ludwig were in Germany for five weeks during the winter holidays, traveling with a wheelchair and walker for Marian and instant testing and masks for everyone. They have many family members abroad, including a new great-grandchild for a total of five in Germany and one in the States. Both of the Ludwigs are “hanging in … with the world … the pandemic … our health.” (Congratulations!)✹ In September my college roommate Susan Sherman White and I spent a few days in a second-floor apartment on Beacon Hill, charming and comfortable, including a rooftop garden, but no elevator. We had been warned there were 50 stairs to climb and pretended to be in training during the summer. With seven round trips, we climbed or descended a total of 700 steps at the apartment alone, not counting our tour of Fenway Park, visit to the Museum of Modern Art, tours of historic buildings, trips on the subway, and up and down the hill. Not bad for a couple of 85-year-olds. You can bet we congratulated ourselves!✹ Isn’t it hard to believe, as I write at holiday time, that we’re headed into our third winter trying to escape the virus? My hope is that you are all well and safe and that I will hear from more of you the next time! Like Marian and John, “Keep hanging in!”
Bill and Edo Foresman Donaldson moved from Florida to southwest Virginia in May to be near their daughter. Edo writes that there are advantages to having family around, though she misses the warm weather. It’s a rural area by Smith Mountain Lake, created in 1966 by damming the Roanoke and Blackwater rivers. They’re an hour from the Blue Ridge Parkway and love to see the mountains in the background. And they’re on a golf course, which makes Bill happy. Edo is back to water aerobics, but at an indoor pool. They’re both blessed with good health. Edo is in touch with June Landry Wiechmann and Kathy Kies Madden.✹ John and Denny Kellner Palmer moved into their new condo Dec. 10, 2020. They should have made the big move sooner. They’re on the same street as their old 1790s house. At the moment, health issues are at bay and manageable. Fingers crossed! Denny talked with Nancy Little Ready in Ohio, who sounded wonderful and, even though out of touch with Colby, was glad to hear from Denny. Denny caught her up on happenings in Waterville and the campus and hopes to see her this summer when she visits her sister in Maine.✹ Ed Goldberg still lives in Bozeman, Mont. Aside from being involved with a number of nonprofits and being an owner of the last cowboy saloon in the valley, he travels to Vietnam frequently. He’s made many friends there over the years and is struck by their strong sense of friendship, family, and loyalty. Ed says that they’ve forgiven us for invading their country and view us as a balance to an ambitious China.✹ Jack and Pat Richmond Pallotta are able to maintain their snowbird lifestyle of being in the sunny clime of the Fort Myers area in the cold months and hitting the beaches of Avalon, N.J., in the summer. They continue their daily routine of walking, and Jack plays golf three times a week. Add in the comfortable environment of their club, Fiddlesticks, and it’s like being back at the YMCA camp, at least as Jack remembers it.✹ Corinne “Tink” Batchelder Weeks is discovering the marvels of modern science and medicine. She had a recent valve replacement, a TAVR, and was happily recovering, thankful to celebrate the holidays.✹ Bill Chapin and Bonnie Brown Potter ’63 have been special friends for almost 10 years. They’ve traveled to Colorado, Illinois, New Hampshire, Maine, and Cocoa Beach recently. They’ve seen Ned Platner ’63 and Jonathan Knowles ’60, heard recently from Buddy Bates ’57, and hoped to see Bill Slade ’57. They also saw Bill Orne ’58 before he died.✹ As I write this, the Covid-19 pandemic is getting worse again with the Omicron variant. I thought we would be getting back to normal by now. Keep well, everyone.
Art ’59 and Louise Robb Goldschmidt continue to live happily at Foxdale Village, a Quaker-run retirement community. Louise is on three committees: the Program Committee, which brings speakers and musical groups; the Film Committee, which brings oldies but goodies; and the Trip Committee, which organizes day trips. During the past two years, she’s researched and given two illustrated slide lectures—a new venture for her.✹ Kay and Ralph Nelson flew to Washington State in June for their youngest grandson’s high school graduation and his Eagle Scout ceremony. Ralph suffered heat exhaustion on a hot day’s hike there but was saved by his companions. Life at Ralph’s CCRC has recovered from having food delivered to resident rooms to eating and socializing at “the long table.” They still wear masks in the hallways and at meetings and performances. Ralph and Kay enjoyed Thanksgiving week mask-less with their daughter at a mountain cabin near Asheville. N.C. He thanks Colby’s Outing Club for building his appreciation of the outdoors.✹ Chester Lewis and his wife have mostly stayed at home in East Lansing, doing what they can to avoid Covid. They’re completely vaccinated and boosted. Their longest trip was to visit Chester’s brother-in-law and his family at his vacation home on St. Martin’s Point on the northern shore of Lake Huron, 45 minutes east of St. Ignace in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and five hours from East Lansing. As soon as they heard about Colby’s reunion, they made refundable reservations at a Waterville hotel.✹ Ken Nigro still reads three newspapers a day and goes to Tai Chi three times a week. So glad he grew up when he did and doesn’t want to come back as anyone else.✹ Peter Henderson and his family spent a lot of time at nearby Lake Martin last summer—boating, swimming, and hiking. His lake house is the only place with enough beds for everyone and friends. They had both Thanksgiving and Christmas there. The family is growing: one grandson held his wedding last summer in the middle of a field in Tennessee’s backcountry 40 miles from the nearest town. Think of all the things that could go wrong in that scenario and you’ll have a good idea of what it was like. The ceremony was completed, and no one had a heart attack. The other grandson and his girlfriend are still thinking. The granddaughters so far have other things to do.✹ In the past, Judy Allen Ferretti has traveled with Road Scholar, but because of the pandemic, she’s turned to their virtual programs. She’s taken courses about Yellowstone National Park, Back to Broadway—about theater, and Antarctica. All have been terrific. Judy continues to serve on several nonprofit boards, meeting mostly on Zoom.✹ Juan and I (Jane Holden Huerta) were basically in hibernation until the vaccines came along, but we continue to be cautious and wear masks. Fortunately, just about everyone in our subdivision is vaccinated and boosted. Each time a new variant pops up, we’ve canceled trips to visit our granddaughters. Weekly Zoom, Facetime, and Caribu sessions keep us in contact with sisters Victoria and Alexandra and cousin Juliet. I continue working as a customer service rep for a small software company whose products support duplicate bridge. And I still direct bridge games online. I hope to see everyone in June at Colby!
Aloha! Class President Bob Burke messaged: Donna and I missed seeing you all last year, but the good news is … it’s finally that time again for the great Class of ’61 to begin planning for our 60th reunion! Our reunion will be June 2-5, 2022, and held jointly with the Classes of 1960 and 1962. You’ll receive a save-the-date email followed by a more detailed letter with a fundraising request. It’s been a difficult two years for all of us, and it feels good to be planning this future event!✹ It’s especially wonderful when we hear from classmates we haven’t heard from in a while: Carol Trigg Friedley sends news: “I accomplished a major event last year. I’ve needed knee replacement for decades but chose to be as active as I could with my family. Downhill skiing and swimming are activities we enjoy at our vacation home in Sunriver with our family of 25, which is growing fast. At age 81, I had both knees replaced within nine months of each other. Dave and I have undertaken our dream trip, cruising around the world and celebrating our 60th anniversary. We left Christmas Eve and will be back mid-May. Life is very good. I look forward to hearing from other classmates. I’m sad that I’ll miss our reunion, but hope there is a next time.”✹ Mary and Denny Dionne moved from Sarasota to Winter Park, Fla., at the invitation of their son Michael and family. “They bought a larger house in Winter Park and asked us to move in with them. We made the move April 15, 2021, taking a detached three-car garage and turning it into an 875-square-foot living domicile by completely gutting it and putting in all new utilities and interior. The builder did an excellent job. Hope to see all of my classmates in June.”✹ Nancy Schneider Schoonover reports that she’s well and happy. “So far, my family has dodged the Covid menace. Hi to all of my classmates, and best wishes for the new year.” Hope to see you in June, Nancy!✹ Sandy Nolet Quinlan has been in touch with Betsy Perry Burke and Frank D’Ercole, and both asked about our reunion. “All is fine here. We’re continuing to maneuver through the pandemic without contracting anything. So far, so good.” Sandy hopes to see lots of classmates back on campus in June!✹ The highlights of your correspondent’s past year, sadly without any international travel: In September I enjoyed a yoga retreat for five days with two friends at a beautiful private spa cliffside on the northern tip of Hawai`i Island: Restoration Nirvana! Over Halloween, I safely flew HNL to JFK on Hawaiian Air to be with my Brooklyn family and see son Bill for the first time in three years. Those highlights and three other interests keep me smiling: Pilates, yoga, and almost daily walks or hikes.✹ Finally, Judy Hoffman Hakola shockingly reported that last year’s 60th virtual reunion on Zoom was attended by Marilyn Blom Evans, George Nix , and herself. And no class officers! Apparently, neither Bob Burke nor anyone with whom I spoke received that announcement email.✹ If you have any questions, or need more information about Reunion Weekend, call Colby at 207-859-4310. We need to assemble the Class of 1961 Mules in 2022 to show folks “We are still kickin’!” PLEASE join us in June for our real 60th reunion!
Greetings, Class of ’62! In just a few months, we will celebrate 60 years since we departed from Colby College and headed for our choices for the rest of our lives. In celebration, please plan to join your classmates for Reunion ’62 and “catch up” on their news. For now, enjoy and appreciate the small but newsworthy number of classmates who have responded to the request to write.✹ Toshi and Jean Gaffney Furuyama celebrated their 53rd wedding anniversary in December and planned to downsize, moving to Peabody, Mass. Jean says she will miss their friends in New York City, where she established a Westside Senior Network with 80 members who live in their apartment complex. She plays tennis twice a month.✹ Peter Leofanti, friends Doug Mulcahy and Phil Shea ’60, and their “significant others” went to the opening hockey game at Colby against Williams. He said the new athletic facility is “stunning.” The group had dinner at the Lockwood Hotel downtown and followed that on Sunday with a lecture by Doris Kearns Goodwin ’64. He said it would be great if we could get her to come for Reunion Weekend.✹ Frank Stephenson wrote, “I guess it’s true about aging and memory. I think a lot more about my youth than I did 20 years ago.” He recalls, when at Colby, having dinner at Park’s Diner and all-night bridge parties. He remembers time spent at the Opera House, rehearsing and building sets, and the fabulous Guys and Dolls, and handing Dame Judith Anderson roses after her performance of Medea. Frank is also considering making an endowment to Colby, possibly naming it the Class of 1962 Fund.✹ Richard “Mitty” Mittleman says that he is “thankful for the progress on what looks like effects of viruses” and hopes for good answers. He and his wife, Linda, spend most of the winter in Fort Lauderdale with periodic trips to Rhode Island. He’s in good health and looking forward to his grandson’s wedding in October.✹ Fully vaccinated and boosted, Roey Carbino writes that she has returned to choir—and tango and ballroom dance. This fall she made the trip to San Rafael, Calif., to attend the 80th birthday party of her Colby friend Sandy Fullerton. Roey says that Sandy has a “gazillion” friends who showed for the party at the Marin Rod and Gun Club, along the shore on a beautiful California day.”✹ Michael and I (Nancy MacKenzie Keating) have recently finished building a new house in Harpswell, Maine, complete with all the regular difficulties plus the ones that were Covid-made, such as lack of important materials, shortage of labor, etc., etc. In spite of it all, we are now happily ensconced in our “last” house. We went to Atlanta for Christmas, happily and gratefully to be with our family whom we hadn’t seen in two years.✹ Once more—plan to be at Reunion ’62. More information will follow.
Beth Brown Turner will be inducted into the College of Fellows of the American Theatre in Washington, D.C., this year. Past inductees include Edward Albee, Lloyd Richards, Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Paula Vogel, and many other theater luminaries. Beth’s play, Sweet Mama Stringbean, on the life of Ethel Waters, is a finalist for the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival award for best production. She’s also working on research made possible by an NEH grant.✹ Donna Cobb Lawrence’s grandson, Jack Richard ’25, a freshman at Colby, is enjoying his courses and professors along with making new friends. Donna and Ellie Burgess Stetson, in Hooksett, N.H., have been meeting for a lobster roll in Kittery, Maine, for a number of years. She and Rosemary Blankenship Hubbard also keep in touch.✹ John Wilson and Nancy Godley Wilson ’65, on Deer Isle, hope to be there for another year or two, age and health permitting. They’ve begun looking for retirement facilities near children in Monson, Mass. Both actively involved in the community, they hesitate to leave friends and Deer Isle. John sings with the Bagaduce Chorale in Blue Hill and makes wooden fishing lures.✹ Karen Forslund Falb’s family had a reunion in Kennebunk to celebrate husband Peter’s 85th birthday, Karen’s 80th, and their 50th wedding anniversary! Karen’s in good health and enjoys socializing, reading, walking, and gardening. She Zooms with seven Colby classmates every month.✹ Marsha Fern Palmer Reynolds’s grandniece, Zoe Appio ’25, is also a freshman at Colby. She’s on the swim team and is very enthusiastic about her classes. They’ve visited her and hoped to see her swim this winter. The grandmother of one of her roommates was in our class at Colby!✹ Pauline “Pi” Ryder Kezer, president of Alden Kindred, is working diligently to create the Center for Living History, a National Historic Landmark. Despite Covid, 320 Alden cousins gathered, in person and virtually, at the annual meeting. Pi says the pilgrims’ perseverance continues in the genes of the descendants of Mayflower passengers John and Priscilla Alden. For her, it’s a labor of love. “Hello to all my classmates from Mayflower Hill!”✹ Pen Williamson recently went downhill skiing for the first time in two years while visiting their daughter and family in Red Lodge, Mont. “The legs still work, but they tire early!” Pen adds that “Paul Rogers has been named a Paul Harris Fellow by Camden’s West Bay Rotary Club. Quite an honor!”✹ Ruth Pratley Madell connects with her Chi O alum group, takes classes with the University of Kansas Osher Institute, and keeps in touch with family, thanks to Zoom. Ruth’s traveled to Dallas for a family wedding and to San Francisco to visit her daughter and “to celebrate that momentous birthday that most of us have experienced this year.”✹ Steve Eittreim and Carole, die-hard supporters, have attended rallies trying to transition us away from our fossil-fuel economy and into something more sustainable. Sometimes he wishes he could take refuge in those Maine woods, 3,000 miles away. Their three grandkids, ranging from 9 to 16, are 150 miles away in San Luis Obispo, where they visit often and look forward to more visits post-pandemic. “Wishing love to all and an early end to this pandemic.”✹ Susan Ferries Vogt Moore finished a book during the coronavirus quarantine. The Tip Top Letters is a story told through correspondence that chronicled her grandparents’ courtship and eventual marriage in 1904. The story follows the main characters to San Francisco, Chicago, New Jersey, and Japan. The letters revealed complex relationships between her grandparents and her grandmother’s best friend and are a window into 1903-04 history and technology.✹ Byron Petrakis and wife Gayle have been walking and hiking in southern NH’s state park and forest. Their daughter has visited from Switzerland. He reminisces about Mayflower Hill’s big snows and drifts!✹ Michael Sylvester retired and moved to Vero Beach, Fla. They visited Colby last summer and were amazed by the changes over 60 years! They hope to see Colby grads in Palm Beach.✹ I had a wonderful visit with Whit Bond and wife Faith, who were in the area to see their daughter and family. It was great to catch up and to anticipate our 60th reunion!
Still a full-time professor at Santa Clara University, Jerry Shapiro has retired from private practice. His latest books have been published by Cognella: Real-World Couple Counseling and Psychotherapy and Finding Meaning Facing Fears: Living Fully Twixt Midlife and Retirement. In 2020 Jerry received a Lifetime Achievement Award (Teacher of the Year) from a division of the American Psychological Association.✹ Richard Zipser keeps busy writing and has posted 60 prose pieces on his website, His current book, Memories of Life in East Germany: Snapshots, recalls his experiences post-Colby graduation.✹ Retired after 45 years at her Philadelphia-based practice in clinical psychology, Judy Milner Coche Anderson moved to New Jersey, close to children and grandchildren. Judy reflects on Colby’s gifts of longtime friends, singing, and the curiosity to learn about personal interests.✹ Jonathan Allen is grateful to Colby for the emphasis on the humanities in addition to his physics major. Jonathan spent his career in solar energy research and development. Now retired, he volunteers with several Mercer County, N.J., science and environmental organizations.✹ Challenged by Covid, Ted Bidwell and his wife have found some upside. Living in Gloucester, Mass., they feel safe and enjoy the seacoast scenery. Ted focuses on oil painting as he firms up his visual skills out in nature. Visits with a nearby 5-year-old granddaughter keep up their spirits. Ted stays in touch with Ben Potter, Cliff Olson, and Lee Scrafton Bujold.✹ Allan Smith writes from Québec, where he and his wife have performed on Zoom with a community theater, Allen impersonating Will Rogers! They hike and snowshoe on trails near their home. Their only trip last year was to the Gaspé region, where they golfed, hiked, and visited a nature park and Reford Gardens. Coming up this winter: indoor tennis and beginner curling.✹ Frequent international travelers, Ben Beaver and his wife, Marilyn, have had to adjust to Covid. They spend summers at home in Wellesley, Mass., with golf, pool visits, and outdoor dining. It was even difficult to see nearby family. They’ve purchased a condo in Vero Beach, Fla.✹ Sara Shaw Rhoades greeted the first-of-the-year snow in Kittery, Maine, with soaring spirits! Armed with Covid shots and gifts, Sara spent Christmas with her son and sister at her daughter’s home in Atlanta.✹ After 50 years at Maine-based Hurricane Island Center for Science and Leadership, Barney Hallowell has retired. He works around his house and land, maintains a fleet of family boats, and sails locally and to the Caribbean. Bicycling trips have taken him on rails-to-trails in the Northeast and South. Barney writes a monthly column, “East of the Breakwater,” for the North Haven News and mentors the new principal at North Haven’s K-12 school. Life is busy with six children and seven grandchildren.✹ Dick Larschan spent the fall in Westport, Conn., a very pleasant place, he says, to wait out the latest Covid variant.✹ Robbie (Gilson ’65) and Bob Drewes live in Provo, Utah, and keep up with three children and 15 grandchildren. Bob and Robbie traveled last year within the U.S. and are grateful for Zoom and other technologies. They’re active in their church and mentor others in their community.✹ In Yarmouth, Maine, Margaret Mattraw Dodge is grateful for good health and for getting out for golf and bridge games. Her life is enriched by three grandsons: a pianist, a runner, and a skier/fisherman.✹ Home for Barbara Kreps is Pisa, Italy, but she’s been in Pennsylvania since March 2020, unable to return. She visits friends by telephone and invites classmates to visit her in Pisa when she’s back.✹ Jim Harris and his wife vacationed in Florida and on a Caribbean cruise, masked and testing negative for Covid.✹ Barbie Carr Howson visited Joan McGhee Ames in New Hampshire and Suzy Noyes Mague in New Orleans. Lots of walks, talks, and good memories with both friends.✹ Karen Eskesen, a watercolorist, lives in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. She teaches art at the Bonnet House Museum and Gardens and paints at a small botanical garden in Palm Beach.✹ After 45 years of newspaper writing, Morgan McGinley is now a fly fisherman. One granddaughter is a sports editor at Notre Dame; the other is college-bound this fall.✹ Jean Martin Fowler lives in St. Augustine, Fla., in a senior community with diverse, interesting, and active residents. She works with a scholarship program for employees of the community. Jean and her husband have become interested in their historic city, the first city in America.✹ Watching for local Washington State snow, Dick York doesn’t ski, but he enjoys a warm drink in the mountain ski lodge.✹ Jack Lockwood volunteers with Habitat for Humanity of Greater Denver and is certified to operate a five-ton forklift. He also volunteers with the Mile High Chapter of the American Red Cross, making deliveries to hospitals in the Denver area. Jack’s involvement with giving blood goes back to Colby, helping a professor’s wife in need. Jack and his wife hope to travel to their previous home in Hawaii.✹ John Oaks exhibited his etchings at the Society of American Graphic Artists at the Provincetown, Mass., Art Club. He has a new sunlit studio that’s surrounded by other artist studios. John thanks Colby’s Professor Abbott Meader for keeping his interest in art alive while working toward a career in science.✹ Sally Berry Dixon now lives in Maine, still painting seascapes and enjoying beach walks with her Lhasa apso, Preston. Her husband, Rich, died this past year.✹ Jim Simon has written a manual to help individuals engage productively with their physician. See his Family Health Manual at
This is my first column following Dick Bankart’s unfortunate passing, and I want to thank all who sent me updates. It seems Covid-19 dominated everyone’s news, especially frustrating travel plans, but most are planning to come to our reunion in June.✹ Joss Coyle Bierman is a good example with canceled cruises, but she and Norman planned a Panama Canal cruise in February and hopefully a trip to Europe this summer. They did visit their grandson at U. of Richmond last fall, however.✹ Similarly, Nancy Godley Wilson had to cancel trips to Palm Springs, Dublin, and Scotland in 2020 but she did visit grandkids in Annapolis. Nancy remains very active in local community nonprofits in Deer Isle, Maine, heading up the Blue Hill Concert Association, the Stonington Opera House, and the Congregational Church.✹ I had lunch last fall with Peter Cross, who still lives in Brooklyn Heights. Peter retired two years ago after 42 years as an epidemiologist at both Columbia and the NYS Psychiatric Institute.✹ Barbara McGillicuddy Bolton, also in Brooklyn, is laying low, although she did get to visit kids and grandkids in Cincinnati, Montreal, and Ketchikan last year.✹ Lew Krinsky and his wife, Ellen, returned to Maine last summer and were extremely impressed with all the changes on campus and in Waterville—the new athletic complex, the Lockwood Hotel. They also visited old friends Judy Levine Brody ’58 and the Parker Beverages. Lew is “very much looking forward to our reunion.”✹ Starbuck and Anna Owens Smith are leading a quiet life with this pandemic, but they did spend time with Sunny Coady in Deerfield, Mass., last year. (I saw the Smiths and Sunny in Naples, Fla., in late January, too.)✹ Eliot Terborgh focused on visiting his family in Sunriver, Ore., New England, and their home in California. Eliot also sees Tom and Nancy Ryen Morrione in Santa Cruz annually.✹ Randy Williams enjoys living in Naples, Fla., after moving there from Marblehead, Mass., in ’08, while still visiting Cape Cod every summer. He enjoys tennis, pickleball, and remote-control sailing. Like Eliot, Randy is anxious to see everyone at our upcoming reunion.✹ Moving in another direction, Rick Spitzer moved back to Mills, Mass., to be closer to his kids after 17 years in Naples, Fla.✹ Dave Fearon reports on his new book, On Practice as a Way of Being: Peter Vaill’s Conjectures on Why Your Practice Matters, including an online podcast, the Practice Podcast. I’m sure Dave can explain more at our June reunion.✹ Callie Holmes Marsh and her husband recently moved to a life-care senior residence in Iowa City, after spending 45 years in an “acreage” in Iowa, a miniature farm with sheep, chickens, orchards, and a garden. They return to their family home on Gotts Island, Maine, every summer.✹ Marty Dodge continues his outdoor adventures, now planning to visit Alaska.✹ Norm Miner will visit Deer Isle, Rockland, and Ogunquit, Maine, soon, plus drive to Vero Beach, Fla. He’s also involved in 1750s American Colonial re-enactments for the American Independence Museum in Exeter, N.H.✹ Bud Marvin continues to split time between their condo in NH and home in Florida, and he still plays lots of golf. He often sees Dave and Dale Rottner Hatch in Florida as well.✹ Charlie Bonsall is laying low due to Covid and hopes to attend our reunion depending on health issues.✹ Judy Eyges lives a quiet yet very happy life in her hometown, Marblehead, Mass. Her three accomplished daughters have fascinating lives, from hosting unusual Airbnbs to political activism to clinical psychology. Ask Judy about details at our reunion. YIn January Betsy Stevens Palmer visited two of her daughters in Colorado, staying clear of the nearby Boulder wildfires and Covid.✹ I personally had a good year with son Peter getting married in September and daughter Melissa and family coming over from London for most of the summer with us. I’m spending the winter again in Naples, Fla.
60s newsmakers

Greetings! As one first-time responder put it, cajoling, begging, pleading, etc., can help. We normally get about 25 replies to my shameless efforts for news; this report references 30 classmates.✹ Terry Saunders Lane is a board member of Metro Housing/Boston, and she teaches at the Harvard Institute for Learning in Retirement.✹ Bill and Mary Gourley Mastin drove their motorhome to North Dakota, their 50th state visit, for their 50th anniversary.✹ Ed Mowry retired from his veterinary practice after 46 years, leaving more time for piano playing and skiing.✹ Teaching with masks is better than teaching online for Anne Ruggles Gere, but she misses the opportunity to travel without Covid restrictions.✹ Terry Eagle works on local issues like responsible cannabis farming. And, he’s ranked fifth nationally in 75+ squash doubles…holy moly.✹ Smith and Carol Kramer Dunnack live in Boulder, Colo., and enjoy visiting granddaughters at Notre Dame, Villanova, and Wake Forest.✹ Closing a deal this spring on the sale of his Ultimate Campgrounds app leads Ted Houghton to retirement and reading socially challenging books.✹ Ruth Kelleher Hertz enjoyed a nice lunch last August with four classmates.✹ Dean “Dag” Williamson sent a terrific summary of classmates he’s in touch with and their related exploits. He and Jackie headed to Naples, Fla., in January for tennis and golf with classmates.✹ First-time responder Linda Kaiser Wantman reported that the long tradition of annually gathering with Marty Walker Marchut, Gretchen Wollam O’Connor, and Ellie Caito Thompson continued. The “Kool-Aid” cocktails reminded them that they haven’t changed a bit in 55 years! They really miss Carol Lordi, who initiated these gatherings. Linda also remembered the “great laughs we had when we compared our sociology test papers, her A+ and my C-.”✹ Christie Higginbottom works part time at the Old Sturbridge Village herb garden collection. When not gardening, she and her husband are close to publishing a book based upon numerous journals they discovered about a William Lewis (1819-1897).✹ JoAnne Rydel Ackman looks forward to the arrival of grandchild #4. She spent the winter in Florida for the ninth time.✹ John Cookson has survived Covid and enjoyed several family gatherings upon recovery. Travel plans include Washington, D.C., Florida, and California.✹ Larry Eckel looks forward to our reunion in June.✹ Kay McGee Wilson also looks forward to the reunion. She’ll travel from Albuquerque to Friendship, Maine, to a small house they bought as a summer retreat.✹ Pam Harris Holden lives in Tempe, Ariz., but will be unable to make reunion.✹ Geoffrey Quadland hails from southern Ontario and volunteers in an 1860s-era print shop at a nearby historic village.✹ Baseball fondness still runs through Sal Manforte’s blood. He lives near the Braves’ Florida Spring Training Camp and annually meets up with Rick Lund, Jim Bither, and Pete Lardieri to catch a couple of games and retell stories about Mayflower Hill.✹ Peter Anderson’s news is no news…not hit with the Covid virus, not suffering from Covid-isolation fever, and not finishing a backyard project that consumes all of his free time. Go figure.✹ Debbie Anglim Higgins took a year off and took a seven-state road trip, beginning with a weekend in Vermont with Betty (Savicki ’68) and John “Daisy” Carvellas. Now, she’s happily back at Thayer Academy teaching French and Spanish.✹ Jim and Susan Footer Hummer know the true meaning of disappointment: they’re Red Sox fans and were temporarily encouraged with the Patriots in the playoffs. They also undertake bike riding along the Maine coast, hiking the smaller Maine mountains, and traveling to Colorado, San Diego, and London to ensure no one calls them couch potatoes!✹ Pat Berg Currier has collected family genealogical information for 60 years and finally organized and packaged it into three family keepsakes.✹ Barry Kligerman (AKA Bass) retired from his periodontics practice and stays busy writing a book, which he hopes provides readers with a positive outlook on life.✹ Peter Winstanley is in the process of downsizing his home of 20+ years, visiting his “kids” in Seattle and New York, and wondering if he can live long enough so his age and golf score match.✹ Last, but not least, Gary Knight is doing very well with his kidney transplant. He regularly attends Colby’s sporting events.✹ That’s all folks!
Sandy Miller has been making up for lost time with family visits. She’s been with children and grandchildren in Maryland and Massachusetts. Sandy continues her artistic activity knitting and designing fabric. She’s preparing for the 55th reunion by walking, biking, and reading—building mind and body.✹ Nick Hadgis may someday have his name on a campus building as he has six grandchildren and thinks there may be some future Mules in the group. He has a few years before the Hadgis clan comes to Mayflower Hill, and until then Nick enjoys life in Bryn Mawr, Pa., and Moultonborough, N.H., where his family skis and gets back to Nick’s New England roots.✹ Roberta “Sookie” Stockwell Weymouth also has deep New England roots, and Maine is in her blood. She and Carl spend time in her native Maine and in Beaufort, S.C. While in Maine she volunteers at an animal shelter and patrols her pond and other lakes for invasive plants. When in South Carolina, she volunteers at a free medical clinic. Like Sandy and Nick, she also enjoys her grandchildren.✹ Bob Merrill keeps busy as a consulting geologist and editor of AAPG Bulletin, the main publication of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. He works with Geoscientists Without Borders to support humanitarian projects responding to such concerns as earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis and how these natural events affect such important resources like drinking-water availability.✹ Laurie Hunt Beasley retired in 1999 as the production manager for marketing for Spiegel, Inc. She then opened an art gallery in Illinois that specialized in Haitian art. After 14 years, she closed the physical gallery and focused on selling online. She and her husband, Noel, traveled extensively, and she then began to write a travelogue for foreign and domestic travel. As the world opened up some this fall, she traveled through Eastern Europe on a small boat tour.✹ Carl and Judy Gerrie Heine enjoy the sun and links in Florida and are planning a cruise to St. Petersburg this spring. Wouldn’t it be a coincidence of monumental proportions if they bumped into Laurie in a cozy bistro somewhere in Eastern Europe?
Jeff McCabe is miserable trying to learn his fifth language (Turkish) because it is sooo hard. He slips off to the Black Sea whenever he can to make himself listen to it and try it out. Time is hard to come by since he translates the daily Avalanche Bulletins for seven different governments in the Alps. He also interprets 3-4 times weekly at the National Immigration Court in Austria. He’s doing his damnedest to fend off retirement!✹ Clarke and Cathie Smith Keenan have moved full time to Lake Champlain, except for winters elsewhere. They see Gerry and Jann Semonian Czarnetzski regularly. They also communicate with Al Gray, who was getting ready to leave MA for CT. Covid has suppressed one thing: the travel bug.✹ Barbara Brown leads a calm life in Boise. She recently moved to a “city-ish” condo near Boise State and downtown. She’s still trying to play golf! Two of her three daughters live close by. Daughter number three lives in Carlsbad, Calif., and recently visited her. She went to her first concert in years—Leonid, a Russian band that plays Chicago. It made her feel years younger!✹ Jessie McGuire’s travel wings have definitely been pandemic-clipped. She and a dozen friends rolled over a planned Mongolia trip to 2023, the second postponement on this one. They also postponed a visit to Churchill, Manitoba, to photograph polar bears. She also got canceled out on a complimentary Antarctica expedition. Maybe next year… Covid hasn’t been all bad. She’s learned a lot from frequent webinars, enjoyed online cocktail hours with friends, and worked on some long-postponed projects. Cheers to everyone!✹ Rick Morey recently retired from a 51-year career teaching American history and government in six schools, most recently Kent Place School, a girls’ day school in Summit, N.J. He enjoys volunteering, coaching mock trials, and family life, recently expanded by grandson Douglas, whose family lives nearby. ✹ Jann Semonian Czarnetzski has had a topsy turvy year. Tops were the visits with Clarke and Cathie Smith Keenan. The turvy parts were husband Gerry’s diagnosis with a Diffuse B large-cell lymphoma. He’s been undergoing treatment in Boston. During one of their visits to Boston, she met with Clarke and Cathie for dinner at a wonderful restaurant near Fenway called Citizens. She highly recommends it. They even do a pig roast there.✹ Al Gray’s family continues to be spread out geographically with Erin and spouse Kelli in Petaluma, Calif.; Chris, wife Kara, and granddaughters Avery, 8, and Addison, 6, in New Milford, Conn.; and Julie with grandson MJ, 3, in Wilmington, N.C. He and wife Donna sold their house in Concord, Mass., after 43 years in the area. They’ve purchased a condo in Litchfield, Conn., and look forward to being closer to son Chris and family. The next chapter, as they say.✹ Ric Rawson, retired for 20 years, has moved to central Florida. He enjoys bicycling with a group. He also enjoys his six grandchildren, the oldest of which is 9.✹ As for me, I hope 2022 is a better year for all of us. Thanks to all of you for sending your news. Stay safe and healthy.
I hope everyone is staying healthy and doing well.✹ In early 2021 Lynn and Chris Christensen traveled to St. Thomas, renting a private villa to avoid crowds. Chris went parasailing with their grandchildren—all three of them at once—300 feet in the air. He says St. Thomas is the same flight time from Boston as South Florida, but much more laid back. They planned to go again in January 2022 and wonder if there are other St. Thomas fans out there. They still hold elected positions in New Hampshire so can’t be true snowbirds yet.✹ Lynne Hudson Treat has been a registered nurse for 35 years and is now retired. She currently volunteers for AARP Washington State’s Fraud Fighters Association, following through on fraud occurring with residents. She reported that the incidence of fraud more than doubled this past holiday season; she feels she’s making a positive contribution to the well-being of fellow Washingtonians.✹ Bill Merritt responded to Steve Fisher’s suggestion about a gathering of classmates who have climbed the New Hampshire 4,000-foot summits, saying that he hasn’t climbed any of them but has been pretty active hiking some fairly strenuous segments of the AT in Maryland. He “would LOVE to get up into the mountains of New Hampshire for a good climb with anyone who’d like to do so!” (Please let me know if you are interested.)✹ Eddie Woodin joined alums from other classes for a small tailgate party and attended Colby’s first-ever football game under the lights, against Bowdoin in November.✹ Bill Burges reconnected with Curt Schneider, and through him with other great Colby people from our era. He’s grateful for these relationships and “sends good karma for everyone’s health.” He’s still active as chair of his company, Burges & Burges Strategists, now in its 40th year. One of their more notable clients last year was Cleveland Mayor-elect Justin Bibb. Bill lives on Lake Erie in Euclid, where the city is completing a lakefront restoration/recreation project that borders his street and where he can walk down 40 steps to be in what he says is like a national park. It could be “a model for the whole Great Lakes region.”✹ Earlier this year, Peter Shearston “fired” himself and joined the ranks of the unemployed, entering retirement with mixed feelings. He feels blessed to have worked so long and enjoyed what he did. He’ll miss some of that fulfillment, but he’s eager to start a new adventure: find ways to give back and travel. Peter and Patti attended their son’s wedding in February, and in October spent two and a half weeks exploring the four major Hawaiian islands. At the top of his retirement work list is the development and organization of our Colby 50th reunion photos.✹ Judy and Gary Austin spent several weeks in Maine last summer. Pam and I enjoyed having lunch with them, and I played a round of golf with Gary as well. They returned just before Christmas from a trip to the Galapagos Islands. They stayed on a small, new expedition ship and tendered to shore at least twice a day with local naturalists. They snorkeled with sea lions, marine iguanas, penguins, and giant sea turtles, and they hiked among land iguanas, giant tortoises, albatrosses, and lots of boobies. “Absolutely fascinating, and a great way to wrap up a year of limited travel.”✹ Pam and I had the good fortune of having Dennie and Sandy Hoe, whom also went to the Galapagos last fall, as house guests, after which they moved on to a family reunion in Bar Harbor. We were joined for dinner one evening by Paula and Dave Demers, who we’ve also visited in safe settings several times throughout the year.
Sharon Eschenbeck Friedler reports that her husband, Jon Sherman, has survived 18 months of cancer treatments. They both continue to teach dance for people living with Parkinson’s. Daughter Sorelle Friedler has a year-long appointment as the assistant director of the Data and Democracy Project at the White House.✹ Nancy Ault Harrington is still doing title research for a couple of lawyers; husband Mike has continued to create Japanese gardens on their property and listen to Italian Baroque and jazz. They remain in contact with Peter Roy ’68, even though he lives at Sugarloaf.✹ Bob Falsani’s book group read Ben Bradlee’s Ted Williams book for its January book and had Ben participate via Zoom. John Fochs, another Bradlee roommate, is also a group member.✹ Pam Warner Champagne trained in October to become a literacy volunteer, but she hadn’t yet started with an actual student.✹ Cindy (Carlisle ’73) and Jeff Lovitz have lived in central Maine since graduation, except four years during grad school. They have four kids and four grandkids, all in New England.✹ Barb Fitzgerald recently moved from their home outside Cleveland to their home in Henderson, Nev., after wrapping up her coaching career in Cleveland and making Nevada their main residence. Barb hasn’t decided if she’ll continue coaching skating in Las Vegas. However, her future looks quite interesting as she’s planning to work on another book and on artwork. She’ll also learn the ropes of sporting clays competition with her husband.✹ As for many, Christine Celata could only see her grandchildren on Zoom. At the end of July, after five months in hospitals and other care, her brother died of Covid-19, which was earth-shatteringly sad. The bright spot in 2021 was discovering Zoom Dungeons and Dragons with her daughter as gamemaster.✹ Debbie Anderson and Mike McPhail became grandparents last year! Their first grandchild, Jamie Buncle, was born March 21 to their youngest daughter, Kim, and husband Ian. Their second grandson, Owen Staiger, was born Oct. 17 to their older daughter Holly and husband Marc. They’re thrilled to have the addition of the little rug rats to their family. For now, both daughters live in Seattle, so the new world of grandparenting will certainly be rewarding.✹ Mike Self and son David started a side business selling firewood. At the ripe old age of 76, Mike is out splitting and stacking firewood. He still keeps an eye on Colby hockey and sees they have a new arena with his name on a banner hanging in the rafters.✹ Most trips in 2020 for Mary Langevin Hepler and husband Fred Gallasch were canceled as a result of the coronavirus. They were, however, able to go fly-fishing in Montana on the Madison River in 2020 and 2021, and their 2020 train trip to national parks was rescheduled and happened in June 2021. Mary also enjoyed the ability to spend time riding her horse and with close friends at the Hunt Club.✹ Tom Whidden is still working, but also doing a lot of enjoyable and competitive sailing around the world on a 100-foot sloop named Magic Carpet. This past year they won their two most important regattas: the Maxi World Championships in Porto Cervo, Sardinia, and the Voiles de St Tropez in France. Tom was awarded the prestigious America and Sea Award by Mystic Seaport. But more exciting for Tom and wife Betsy was watching their oldest grandson, Thomas, 15, with his skipper, Freddie Parkins, win the International 420 World Championships in San Remo, Italy, last July. They then came home and won the 420 North Americans in Rochester, N.Y. Finally, a good Whidden sailor!✹ Joani Katz, Debbie Hawks Kelley, and Mark Zaccaria have been working on final preparations for our much belated 50th Reunion to be held this June on Mayflower Hill. See you there!
Greetings from California, where I’m singing and concertizing with a chorus from Palo Alto! Yes, I’ve been singing with them for over a year—by Zoom. It’s been an amazing musical experience for me, and I’m honored that they’ve let me do this.✹ After working and raising her children for decades, Mary Heffernon thought it was time to offer us an update. She lived in Connecticut for 50 years before selling her house and moving to Mt. Desert Island, Maine. She loves being near family and having Acadia National Park nearby as her retirement playground. (I’m jealous!)✹ Nick Nash feels that all technology hates him; his first email to me was blank. Hahaha. Generally, he says life is really good.✹ Staying healthy and Covid-free have been top priorities for Martha Smith Mickles and her spouse, Calien Lewis. They made a road trip to D.C., Greensboro, and Charlotte for a wedding last fall. They were so excited to travel again that they’ve made plans to visit Iceland in 2022. Martha has a busy July coming up as the company photographer with Opera Maine; afterward, they’ll retreat to her family home on Little Diamond Island for August. She wants Bob Britton, J. Field Reichardt, Duncan Hewitt, Debbie Messer Zlatin, Ernie Simpson, and Brenda Daigle Baker to come to reunion.✹ Joe Greenman writes that a lot has been going on, even during the pandemic. He sold their house and downsized to a condo; it took five months for the renovation to be completed. His daughter recently got engaged, which is great news, but her wedding is too close to our reunion dates. Sadly, he won’t be able to attend. (Can’t she change her date?)✹ Still hiking, skiing, and sailing a Tartan 27 built in 1971, Hal Walker replaced the 50-year old gas engine in 2021. They hope to sail from southern Rhode Island to Canada, possibly on a three-month tour. WOW! Hal, who has a Ph.D. in oceanography, retired last year after a 35-year research career, much of which involved climate change research with the U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development. He has three children.✹ Mike Smith attended the Colby versus “that school in Brunswick” football game with Jim Faulkner, Dennis Cameron, Ron Lupton, and Paul Edmonds. They tailgated with fellow Colby friends Ed Woodin ’69, Dave Lane ’73, Alex Wilson ’73, John Krasnavage ’73, and John Faulkner ’74.✹ Recently elected treasurer of Temple Beth Israel in Waltham, Mass., Alan Levine seems pleased with that result.✹ Katie and Larie Trippet don’t let any dust settle on them. They’re enjoying retirement with nine grandchildren and three great-grandsons … and travel (motorcycle, RV, and cruises). Upcoming is a motorcycle tour in Portugal, a Rhine River cruise, and another trip to Houston for a Rotary convention.✹ Totally enamored with her grandson, Val Thibeau Yates lives happily in Virginia Beach, close to said grandson. They all spent a wonderful Thanksgiving in Raleigh, N.C., with her older son.✹ Bill Simons, who I’ve known since our first day of kindergarten in 1954, won a national award from the American Jewish Press Association: the 40th Annual Simon Rockower Award for Excellence in Writing About Sports for his article “Ballfield or Synagogue: Hank Greenberg’s High Holiday Dilemma.” He and I continue to root for the Red Sox!✹ Feeling brave, finally, Leslie Anderson and her husband moved back to Portland, Maine, after hiding out at their farm in Sedgwick. This was just in time to have her second knee replacement, the recovery from which is coming along. While in Sedgwick, in addition to being productive in her studio, Leslie and Dan loved watching 200 eider ducks frolicking in the tides.✹ Finally, Linda Wallace and husband George got to travel again—to Massachusetts and to Key West for some Jimmy Buffet “Margaritaville” enjoyment.✹ Our reunion committee is busy making plans for June 2022—please come!
Cathie Joslyn is busy working on art for our 50th Reunion in June and says she hopes to see many classmates there.✹ April Nelson McKay wishes everyone good health and happier days in 2022. Last summer she met seven Colby classmates in Maine. Chris and Deb Trescott Pinkham motored their boat to Sebasco, where they met April, Jamie Aronow and Doug O’Heir, Judith Berringer Vanzon, and Sarah Lucy. They had five days of perfect weather, and a wonderful time was had by all. Fifty-plus years after meeting at Colby, their friendships have endured. April believes that’s what makes Colby so special. The group plans to meet again this summer!✹ Kevin ’71 and Pam Fallon Jagla spent the first months of the pandemic at their beachfront home in Jacó, Costa Rica, where the town was empty and beautiful with most of the tourists gone. In July they attended their son’s wedding in Portland, Ore., where there were riots. (They were tempted to march, like the “good old days.”) They report that they’re doing okay, but they miss traveling. They invite anyone traveling in Costa Rica to visit and share their beach house.✹ Dee Fitz-Gerald Sockbeson visited grandkids and wildlife refuges in Jacksonville, Fla., last year. She especially liked Merritt Island, where one can observe Space-X launches. She and husband Henry ’73 enjoy sailing in Mystic, Conn. Recently, Dee discovered stamp collecting and now buys and sells stamps at auctions online. She’d love to hear from other stamp collectors in the class.✹ Sally Chester Williford retired from the bench in Baltimore in October 2021, and more than 300 members of the legal community gathered to celebrate. She started her career as one of a few female criminal defense lawyers in 1979 and ended it as a trial judge for 16 years. She and husband Nick have been married 42 years. They’re seniorizing their family home and enjoying time with their rescues, Buttercup and Beau. Their son lives close by, and they have many good friends. She wishes everyone a healthy 2022.✹ Marilyn McDougal Meyerhans sent a note from Fairfield, Maine, where she and her husband, Steven, are still farming. They’ve grown apples and vegetables for 48 years. This isn’t an easy occupation. Even though Covid restricted travel, they did get to Bozeman, Mont., to visit their daughter’s family, and their kids and grandkids visited them in Maine a good part of last summer. Marilyn and Steven are healthy and strong, but they really can’t believe our 50th is this summer.✹ So, Colby Class of 1972, mark your calendars for the first week in June to return to Mayflower Hill for our 50th Reunion! I sincerely look forward to seeing many of you then. With my best wishes for good health in 2022.
Thank you to all who contributed news; I enjoyed hearing from each of you. The recurrent theme is how we’re emerging from the pandemic and how we celebrated turning 70.✹ Anne Huff Jordan writes about the joy in seeing her daughter and family (including two grandkids), who live in Utah. They were finally able to come back East for Christmas. She celebrated her 70th birthday with her son and his wife (who live closer), her daughter (who flew from Utah as a surprise), and extended family; it was a long, special celebration. Anne and her husband are spending more time at their second home in Maine, and they’re grateful for all they have.✹ Cheryl (Booker ’74) and Doug Gorman, daughter Katie ’12, son Bobby ’08, and daughter-in-law Jenn Reilly ’08 are all New Hampshire residents. Doug was able to snag the New Hampshire license plate “Colby-5” to replace “Colby-4” and include Jenn. Doug and Cheryl enjoyed time on Cape Cod during the warm weather, but unfortunately, they’re both dealing with long-term health issues.✹ Bruce Cummings’s “failed retirement” evolved into a new role as a consultant/advisor to healthcare systems, which has been very meaningful. He retired in 2017 from a 40-year career in healthcare that culminated with 27 years as a hospital CEO. A few years later, he was drawn to the epidemic of physician burnout, resulting in his current position. Although this work is meaningful, it’s “not quite as rewarding as being a grandparent to three kids, ages 5, 7, and 7.”✹ Lloyd Benson and wife Pam hosted a 70th birthday party in July. Here’s a brief (redacted) synopsis of the event, narrated by Lloyd. “For the Class of 1973, 2021 was a significant landmark in which many of us turned 70. As a harbinger of better times ahead, the Covid vaccines began to be distributed in early 2021, and the odd variants of Covid had yet to appear. So, the word went forth: we’re having a birthday party! Pam and I agreed to host it at our place on Collins Cove in historic Salem, Mass., and invites zoomed electronically across the country. It took no time at all for responses to flow in. The list of attendees is long, and for space purposes only, spouses and significant others are omitted. The food and liquid libations were both plentiful and fabulous, but hardly met the joy of being together again, fully vaxxed, comfortable, and in the presence of lifelong friends. Sharing in our great day were Joe Mattos, Patty (Kelly ’75) and Bob Landsvik, Alex Wilson, Speedy Lawson (honorary ’73), Ron ’71 and Linda Howard Lupton ’72, John Krasnavage, Dave Lane, Duncan Leith, Phil Ricci, Amy (Brewer ’71) and Gary Fitts, Mike “Spike” LaPenna ’74, Jimmy “Bonzo” Brennan ’74, Kenny “Biggy” Bigelow ’71, Carol Chalker, Jackie Nienaber Appledorn, Margie Berman, Jim ’72 and Lisa Kehler Bubar, Debbie Mael Mandino, Jeff Lentz ’75, Jean Straehl Moss, and Luke Kimball’s widow, Linda. Many kudos to Jim Bubar for making a spectacular birthday cake, for Patty Landsvik’s clam chowder, and, of course, for Speedy Lawson’s unforgettable Stoli Dolis.”✹ Bob Diamond says he continues “to enjoy and treasure my time on the Board of Trustees. The momentum of this leadership team is astounding and a marvel to watch. I was able to get to the campus in October, and the new facilities, in particular the new athletics and recreation center, will blow everyone away. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the 50th. Let’s make it a special time!”✹ Our class is indeed looking forward to our big reunion June 2023. Rick Zaccaro says he hopes to attend. The Reunion Committee has been working hard planning for this significant event where we proudly parade in our 50th Reunion straw hats and present Colby with our reunion donation. If you have not been contacted and want to help in any way, please let me know as we would love to see unanimous involvement. Be well, everyone.
As we write these lines, we’re crossing the threshold leading into our third pandemic year. This month’s villain is omicron, a name we hope you will have forgotten by the time you read these notes. We harbor hope that life will return to normal (or a “new normal”) in 2022.✹ In the meantime, we still have Zoom. Last October several classmates met for a happy hour Zoom call, which was a resounding success, a highlight of the fall social season. (Really!) During our call, our conversation turned to music concerts in the early 1970s both on campus and in Bangor, which led Jane Dutton to suggest the ingenious idea of drawing up a playlist, a sort of class soundtrack, for our 50th Reunion. Jim Heald and your correspondents have volunteered to begin work soon on creating this playlist, and we’re grateful to classmates who have already suggested tunes for this project.✹ News continues to filter in via email. Our bionic classmate, Mark Curtis, has recovered from a left hip replacement to match his right hip replaced earlier. So, it’s back to golf and pickleball for Mark, who stays in close touch with golf partners Art Bell and Remi Browne as well as Rocky Goodhope. Mark recently attended a Colby-Bowdoin hockey game at the new Harold Alfond Athletics and Recreation Center and marveled at the beauty of the place. Mark can’t believe that his granddaughter (!) is a freshman at the University of New England in Biddeford.✹ Shelley Bieringer Rau writes from Turner, Maine, that she is singing again—vaxxed, masked, and spaced—with choral groups in Lewiston and Portland. She was looking forward to performing in December for the first time in two years.✹ Highlights of 2021 for Jan Hampshire Cummins: more outdoor time with friends and family (hiking vs. eating and imbibing!), a wonderful trip to Hawaii in between pandemic spikes, and an eighth grandchild on the way.✹ In early December Judy Sidell Westerlund wrote us a fascinating email filled with news from her home in Sweden. Some excerpts: “It’s dark here in Sweden by 3:30 p.m., but everyone has their little Advent lights on doors, hedges, balconies, so there is a magical atmosphere of light, reflected in the snow. Christmas is almost upon us. Thanks to my daughter-in-law, who believes in celebrating American traditions, we had turkey on Thanksgiving. I made the stuffing, creamed onions, and pumpkin pie. The grandchildren find it amazing that the pumpkin from Halloween can be turned into a pie. … Halloween has arrived in Sweden in full force. After all, the idea of costumes and free candy speaks to any culture. However, there are few who answer the doorbell in full witch attire. These days, approaching 70, my face is becoming scrawnier and more witch-like, so dressing up for Halloween à la USA is perfect. Yeah, wrinkles!”✹ Preparations for our 50th Reunion, led by Deb Wathen Finn and Libby Corydon Apicella, are proceeding swimmingly. The reunion committee has met several times already on Zoom. Though the committee has robust participation, new volunteers are always welcome. What could bring more fun and enjoyment than reconnecting with lost friends, or making new friends, and sharing biographies with your peers? Not to mention contributing to the cause of securing the finest possible education for the generations following in our footsteps? As a first step, please join us on our next Zoom happy hour!
Thanks to a reminder from his friend Harry Friedman to send news, Tom Huebner did just that. Tom retired in 2018 as president of the Rutland Regional Medical Center in Vermont after serving as CEO for 21 of his 28 years with the hospital. He’s still active in healthcare and serves on several Vermont healthcare boards. For fun he enjoys sailing on Lake Champlain and skiing. Last June Tom and his wife, Tricia, took a beautiful, eight-day raft trip through the Grand Canyon. They have six grandchildren, but trying to see them through Covid has been a challenge as they live in Virginia and Minnesota. Tom has also stayed in touch with his Colby roommate Ed Decker, who recently retired with his wife, Linda, to Porto, Portugal.✹ As of December 31, after 41 years in the field of mental health in various roles, Camilla Moore Doctor decided that it was time to retire from federal service. For the past 31 years, she worked for the Department of Veterans Affairs. Prior to that, she worked for the Department of Defense. Camilla stated that it’s been her honor to serve our country’s active-duty service members, veterans, and their family members during her career. Future plans include helping her sister care for their 96-year-old mother, enjoying her three grandchildren, ranging from 8 months to 19 years, and spending time with her husband, David, who decided to retire again. His first retirement was from the Army, his second from working as an Army contractor. Celebrating their 42nd wedding anniversary in December, they now look forward to the next chapter in their lives.✹ With Covid restricting his usual travel, Ed Walczak opted to take “staycations” where he lives in Manhattan, visiting more museums and attending more plays and concerts in the city. However, after receiving his second shot, he managed a ski trip to Alta, Utah, in late March 2021. Ed still plays a fair amount of singles tennis, but he’s not sure how many more years he’ll be able to vigorously run around the court chasing down balls from 30- and 40-year-olds!✹ Carol Majdalany Williams has two granddaughters to celebrate, born within three months of each other. Living in New Hampshire makes it hard to get to Virginia, where they both live. At least Skype and Zoom make things somewhat easier. Carol looks forward to our upcoming reunion in June.✹ Gene DeLorenzo and his family live with 50 animals on an impromptu farm in Cornwall, Vt. Sheep, goats, and chickens galore! Son Perry graduated from Middlebury College, and son Douglas from Castleton University. Daughter Katharine’s Middlebury field hockey team won its fourth consecutive (fifth in six years) NCAA Division III national championship in December by defeating Johns Hopkins. The pandemic cost the school a full year of athletic competition, but many seniors returned for a year of completion and it paid off well. Gene feels that there are still exemplary young people in our midst, despite all the challenges of the very tough past decade. He remains in touch with Bill Walthall and has occasional get-togethers with Colby friends from (goodness!) almost 50 years ago.
70s newsmakers

Greetings, ’76ers! What a year … again! Hoping many of you will visit Waterville this June for reunion. Meanwhile, here’s some class news.✹ Florida-based Tony Shupin attended an October KDR reunion in Georgia. He saw several ’76ers, including “his roommate Bob Cooper, the inimitable Mark Janos, the highly refined Jay Sarson, his Florida-based brother Brian Kiely, and the ‘tres incroyable’ Monsieur Paul Philbin. A great time was had by all.”✹ David Systrom remains a pulmonary and critical care physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. Sadly, he notes, Covid has been good for business. David conducts exercise-related research, including on the Covid long-hauler with interesting results he hopes will lead to treatment. His daughter, Hannah, is completing her medical residency at Boston’s BI-Deaconess Medical Center and was accepted for a GI fellowship at Dartmouth. (It turns out Hannah will be working with my nephew, who’s on the Dartmouth faculty!) Hannah’s twin, Conor, works in the music business in Vancouver, B.C. Both will be married next summer, and guess who’s footing the bill? David saw his old TDP roommate Jack McKeon at a wedding last summer; apparently, his handicap is substantially better than David’s.✹ Barry Rabin writes that despite the pandemic, the past year was kind to his immediate family. He reduced his ophthalmology office hours to two days a week; semi-retirement has worked out nicely (less stress while still taking care of his patients). Barry and his wife, Susan, enjoy having their daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter, 3 1/2, living across the street. Meanwhile, their Richmond-based son and daughter-in-law visited over Thanksgiving. Barry and Susan hope to see everyone at reunion. Barry keeps in touch with Peter Leschner, Gil Becker, and Martin Hubbe.✹ Mitch Brown is grateful his two daughters, who’ve been working on the pandemic frontlines, have stayed well. The last of Mitch’s four daughters graduates high school this May; he and his wife look forward to some time for themselves. Mitch owns and runs an international tutoring business (International Education Services) specializing in English, ESL, and history, including AP levels. He has domestic and international students from fourth grade through college. He also manages the family property-management business and plays soccer for a high-level team that has been to the Nationals for four of the past seven years. He summarizes: There’s so much to learn, so many students to help, so many things to discover!✹ Jed Snyder has entered the ranks of the “semi-retired,” which he notes is admittedly just a euphemism for an employed senior citizen. After 40+ years in the national security/foreign policy community—including service in the USG, the policy research community, and academia—Jed decided to look for his next opportunity, though he’s not sure where that might emerge. He remains engaged with longtime professional associations like the Council on Foreign Relations and may still produce another book.✹ After 37 years with their school, Stillwater Montessori, Joe ’75 and Joanne Defilipp Alex retired in June 2019. Joanne continues to teach at College of the Atlantic. She walks every day and was close to her goal of 365 consecutive days of more than 10,000 steps. Joanne’s developing her skills as a nature photographer; one highlight was capturing two barred owls “talking” with each other. Joanne recently led a science lab for a University of Maine class (her former environmental club) and was able to reconnect with many former students. Joe and Joanne look forward to our upcoming reunion—which closes this column with a reminder that our reunion is June 3-5; we’ll share it with the Classes of 1975 and 1977. Remember to donate to the Colby Fund. I’m serious about reaching out to an old classmate who’s been on your mind. Be well and stay safe!
Still based in New Delhi, Qaiser Kahn has continued working with the World Bank leading their social protection work on India. The last two years have been spent working on how to support the hundreds of millions who are affected by the Covid lockdown in India. Knowing he has helped the 800 million people made vulnerable by the lockdown is a great way to finish 33 years at the World Bank. Congratulations! Qaiser plans to retire to northern Virginia in May, but there may be some follow-up work left to finish in India, which is why he hasn’t yet committed to joining our reunion June 3-5.✹ Susan Inches was headed back to Colby to teach Advocating for the Environment during Jan Plan. It’s her fourth year doing this! She says the students are bright, engaged, and fun to work with. During the Covid lockdown, she published a book, Advocating for the Environment, How to Gather Your Power and Take Action, based on her Jan Plan course. It’s a citizen’s guide to environmental action—a book we really need right now. Even though Susan transferred to College of the Atlantic after sophomore year, Colby continues to play an important role in her life.✹ Peter Cohn has many activities to keep him busy during retirement. He’s teaching science via an agency for homebound students. Currently, he’s teaching one student one day a week for two hours. He and his wife plant an organic “grow-to-give” garden, he volunteers weekly at a food bank, and he attends an in-person discussion group weekly to air opinions on politics, climate change, education, race, sex, and other “hot button” issues. When the weather cooperates, he does winter canoeing on freshwater lakes on the Carmans River, LI. Peter’s son worked from home last winter as he did last year, and that meant more skiing in the Northeast and out West. He also loves long walks with his daughter’s rescue beagle when she comes to visit from Brooklyn.✹ Kevin Farnham is semi-retired, working on his second novel, titled Twelve Sonnets. He writes under the pen name “Coemgen” (an early-Irish spelling of “Kevin,” Saint Coemgen, Abbot of Glendalough, Ireland). His first novel, I Face My Love, written just before his heart attack, is available in print form everywhere.✹ Brett Thacher has lived in Canton, N.Y., for 20 years, where his wife, Pamela, is a professor at St. Lawrence University. Their two youngest boys are both freshmen, Charles at Skidmore and Samuel at Stony Brook. Their oldest is finding his way as the pandemic disrupted his plans. Brett continues to manage some rental properties they own in Canton village. Most importantly, he still cuts several cords of wood entirely by hand annually as befits a former Colby woodsman.✹ Ray and Kim Ayer McVeigh had dinner with Larry and Lauren Spiegel Goldman at the Clam Shack, in Salem, Mass. What a great way to spend an evening enjoying views of the Atlantic Ocean and a spectacular sunset.✹ And finally, Mark Richardson encourages everyone to get back to Colby for our Reunion Weekend the first weekend in June. Should be a great time to talk/laugh/reconnect and see all that has changed on campus and in Waterville. If anyone has suggestions or ideas for the weekend, please let him know.
Greetings, and thank you for the abundance of news!✹ Clarke Moody retired in 2020. He and his wife, Betsy, divide their time between Florida and Rhode Island and enjoyed a month on their boat cruising the Intracoastal Waterway. He’s chair of a craft-liquor distillery in New Jersey called Sourland Spirits. Grandchild number two is on the way! He’s in touch with Russ Lodi and Liz Gruber.✹ Nick Levintow remains busy working for the United Nations and the U.S. Agency for International Development, seeking effective ways to allot U.S. foreign aid. He plans to leave Washington and return to Maine or North Carolina.✹ After 36 years, Henry Sigourney has retired from software development and lives in Vermont, where he enjoys “deeper terrain” skiing. He sees Don Lavoie ’79 and Steve Martin ’80 regularly.✹ Steve and Dian Weisman Miller retired to The Villages, Fla. They hoped to resume cruising this winter.✹ Still running the Moody Group, his financial services firm, John Breedlove has five grandchildren—two in college and one just starting—and a couple of high schoolers. He sends good wishes!✹ Tom Gilligan enjoys a retirement full of golf, photography, art, Colby friends, and his four grandchildren.✹ Writing songs, which can be easily streamed, Phil Redo lives in Brunswick and plans to visit Colby to see the new buildings.✹ Betsy William Stivers works in professional and financial regulation for the Maine attorney general. She and husband John ’81 have two grown children, and they’re all thriving.✹ A professor at North Carolina State University since 1987, Paul Fackler plans to retire in June, move back to Maine, and continue work in natural resources.✹ Jeff Wheeler’s daughter is getting married in August! He recently had a “mean salmon dinner” with Peter Schmidt-Fellner.✹ Maureen Johnston retired from IT management for the University of New Hampshire. She’s been busy downsizing and visiting with Nancy Thomson Hansen and Linda Donnell Lauritano. She’s also visited Swan’s and Monhegan islands to view her husband’s lighthouse restoration work.✹ Married for 39 years to Tari, David Van Winkle is a physics professor at Florida State University. They have three children and are proud grandparents of their first grandchild!✹ Laurie Phillips McCracken has lived on Boston’s North Shore for 40 years and sees Colby alumni regularly. She balances retirement and starting a small sales and marketing business. “Hello” to Foss Hall friends Kim Marsh Valentine, Sarah Bryan Severance, Portia Frazee Graham, and Sandy Hall Lake.✹ In July Charlie Hurd went “old-man hiking/backpacking” with Paul Wolf, spending one week in the Cloud Peak Wilderness and another in the Tetons. They had lots of fun.✹ Ben Thorndike recently visited Waterville and Colby. He raved about the partnership between the two entities as well as the new Harold Alfond Athletics and Recreation Center. As class president, he’s responsible for orchestrating a spectacular 45th reunion in 2023 and hopes all will attend. Working remotely in Chatham during the pandemic, he’s had good times with his children and dogs and counts himself fortunate for his Colby friendships.✹ In August Ethel Bowden retired from Central Maine Community College and was nominated for faculty emeritus. She enjoys life in MidCoast Maine, especially on the water with other kayakers.✹ Larry Hill works in business development for a boutique consulting firm and develops software for Over Christmas, he drove from Denver to San Diego with his son, and he planned to visit Betsy Judd Butler on the way. He’s played golf with Doug Giron and Chip Child and has seen John Geismar and Bob Bower ’80 as well as the alumni whose news follows.✹ John Devine recently saw Ed Smith and Laura Hyer. In December John attended the Colby-Bowdoin hockey game at Colby’s Harold Alfond Center, a game we won 3-1! Sandy Buck was also there. Other fans included Sue (Conant ’75) and Jim Cook, who relocated to Portland after they retired, Jim from the Skowhegan school system, where he was a K-6 specialist, and Sue from Colby. Brian and Michele Fortier Cullen were also there to cheer on the Mules, as were Kelley (Keefe ’80) and Mike Slavin. Earlier in the day, Mike was in goal for the Alumni Hockey Game. Other skaters included Dean Morrissey ’79 and Dale “Whitey” Hewitt ’80. Mike and Kelley expected their first grandchild in January.
Happy New Year 2022! Betsy Bucklin Reddy spent much of 2021 traveling to see family and friends in eight different states. She visited Phil and Emily Grout Sprague at their new home in Sylvia Lake, N.H. Her best news is that she’ll join the Grandparents’ Club in March when daughter Emily and son-in-law Adam add to their family. Living in Vermont, Betsy can visit often and see daughter Maggie, who moved there in 2019. Betsy plans to retire in May from real estate.✹ Laurie Borden is a palliative/hospice educator, as a certified thanatologist and end-of-life doula. Her key passion is grief companioning. In 2021 she underwent a massive move to Montana and hoped to find a part-time position once she and her 96-year-old mother were settled. Laurie hopes to hear from classmates in Montana for contacts.✹ David Ashcroft started a new phase in life with the new year: retirement after a 42-plus year career in risk management and insurance. All children are out on their own, so plans are to travel in 2022 and volunteer with youth mentoring.✹ Colby’s alumnae basketball event in November brought “the Legends” to the new athletic facility: Jan Barker, Patty Valavanis Smith ’80, Amy Davidoff, and Sarah Russell MacColl. Sarah won the alumnae free-throw contest with an astonishing 2-for-10. “Not much jump left in my shoes for this Medicare-enrolled athlete,” Sarah writes. She’s back into full swing teaching essentrics at Fort Williams, with the view of the lighthouse and breezes during the summer and her small, relatively safe studio the rest of the year.✹ One of the community theater groups that Meg Matheson is involved with figured out how to bring live theater back by offering outdoor performances. The play was written years ago riffing on old-timey radio shows: comedy, soap opera, mystery, songs, and ad jingles. Everything from rehearsals to performances was held outdoors. Best of all, since it was on a radio soundstage, scripts were in hand! Not having to learn lines was a plus (getting trickier to learn lines as the years go by…).✹ A career change for Bob Kinney last year. After 13-plus years with the NJ Attorney General’s Office practicing environmental law, Bob retired from state service and joined a small general practice firm in NJ. He said it’s been interesting and very different from his prior life in public service. He hopes to continue to be a problem-solver for his new clients.✹ I finally heard from Janet Bruen Deering after all her travels. She and Phil ’77 visited their granddaughter, Zaya (like papaya), who is 17 months old and climbing like a vine! They’re gearing up for two daughters getting married in July and September. Phil has “mostly” retired after 44 years in insurance, so they celebrated with a three-year trip hiking Italy’s Amalfi Coast. Over the summer Janet saw Libby Maynard Gordon, Weld Butler ’80, and Kim Rossi Nichols, enjoying Colby connections. Janet is proud to be part of the strong Colby Mule pack and the strides that Colby has made in the community.✹ I enjoyed a quick trip to Glenwood Springs in November to meet up with Keenan and Kathy Bleakney Pawley. They were traveling around Utah visiting various national parks and state parks. We spent the night at the Glenwood Springs Lodge and enjoyed the hot springs immensely! The weather was perfect and the hot springs restorative, so much so that my massage therapist did a Swedish massage for the first time (not the usual deep tissue). I hope that 2022 is better than the last two years have been and that we can all get together—hot springs, barbecues, and reunions.
Also living in the relatively balmy Washington, D.C., area, I have to agree with Mimi Brodsky Kress that it’s now so much harder to take cold weather than when we were at Colby and younger. Mimi reports that life in the world of custom-home building has been very busy over the past year, but also the most difficult to navigate since she started in the business almost 40 years ago. Lack of building lots, increased demand for new homes, supply chain issues, and off-the-charts price increases have made it a lot less fun, but she’s thankful to be busy. She’s very proud that her company, Sandy Spring Builders, was chosen as one of 16 “Top Places to Work” in the area and once again was voted “Best Custom Builder” by the readers of Bethesda Magazine, as they have been every year since the awards began. On the personal side, Mimi is still very active and sits on several nonprofit boards, mostly dealing with mental health and domestic violence issues. She and her husband enjoy time on their 30-foot Catalina sailboat, Stella Blue (her Deadhead Colby friends will appreciate that). Their son, Max, who has faced mental health challenges most of his life, is learning to write blogs. Their daughter, Jenna, has her M.S.W., lives in San Jose, and works for a nonprofit training other organizations, schools, and government agencies on restorative justice practices in order to divert youth out of the juvenile detention system. Mimi keeps in touch with Gretchen Huebsch Daly and Debbie Pugh Kelton. She attended a Colby couple wedding in September in Oregon: Carly Rushford ’13 and Chris Eden ’14.✹ Rebecca Brunner-Peters reports that 2020-21 was a very difficult time for her, health-wise. While playing a club championship tennis match, she suffered a brain aneurysm and had to spend the next six months in rehab. Although her left side was initially paralyzed, she’s thankfully now more or less doing okay. She’s looking forward to her upcoming retirement, which is mandatory for women at 65 in Switzerland, where she lives. For many years, Rebecca worked in the in-house legal department of Credit Suisse. Most recently, she has served as chief compliance officer and head of legal for a U.S.-registered investment adviser, a subsidiary of Bank Vontobel in Zurich.✹ Earlier in 2021, Chris Mellon joined the Galileo Project at Harvard, and he continues to work with officials in Congress and at the Pentagon to bring transparency and resolution to the UAP/UFO mystery. He’s also working with some documentary filmmakers on the issue for a follow-up to The Phenomenon and doing some podcasts and writing, along with private equity investing. In September 2021, Chris and his wife, Laurie, hiked the beautiful Haute Route from Chamonix to Zermatt. This winter they chased the snow for cross-country skiing and took the family to Paris and Berlin for Christmas. Most importantly, he says, all six of their children are healthy and flourishing.✹ I hope to see many of you in June when our delayed 40th reunion will be celebrated jointly with the Classes of 1981 and 1982. Since 1977 will also be there for their 45th, this will be an opportunity to reunite with three other classes at Colby with us.
Greetings, classmates! Here’s the latest…well, maybe not the latest as I’ll start with a few notes that arrived just after the cut-off for the last column.✹ Jon Light enjoys retirement in California. He and his wife, Melissa, moved there a few years ago to be near children and grandchildren and have enjoyed assisting with childcare for the little ones. Jon misses the autumn colors as well as a good snowstorm, so he hopes for a trip back East at some point.✹ Faith Bramhall Rodenkirk shared a photo of herself and Tory Sneff Schulte from a November 2020 visit. Faith lives in Florida, and Tory reached out when a trip south brought her to a nearby town. They got together more than once and enjoyed catching up.✹ In March 2021 I heard from Frank Wirmusky, who’d been attending monthly Zoom calls with Jane Hartzell, David and Amy Haselton Bolger, Joe Kelliher, Ellen Freedman, Jenny Julian ’82, and Joanne Terry Swanson. Frank reports that lots of fun reminiscing occurs!✹ As for more recent updates, Darlene Howland reached out just to say, “Hi!”✹ Beth Pniewski Wilson has worked from home throughout the pandemic, which allowed her and her husband to sell their home in Harvard, Mass., and move to Cape Cod. They’re currently renting while building a house in East Harwich. Beth retired at the end of January 2022 with plans for travel, reading, visiting friends, and taking up pickleball.✹ Another move to Cape Cod is in the works for Terri (Lewis ’83) and John Clevenger. They spent a house-hunting week in October while staying with Amy (Boyle ’83) and Scott Vandersall, who made the move several years ago. The Clevengers plan to straddle between Connecticut and the Cape for a few years until fully exiting the workforce.✹ Lisa Hallee and her husband, Eric Sharpe, moved from the Waterville area to Cape Elizabeth, Maine. Some may remember that Lisa had been working in philanthropy at Colby and elsewhere for many years. However, she’s recently taken on a new profession: leadership coaching. Taking on a new focus during the pandemic has reignited Lisa’s energy and passion to help others find their joy. She hopes all our ’81 classmates have found their joy!✹ Dale Oak and his wife, Janet, were thrilled when their daughter, Anna, married Daniel Pietropaoli last July in Bealeton, Va., in a beautiful ceremony.✹ Recent highlights for Phil Hough include hiking and exploring some iconic Idaho wilderness destinations such as Hells Canyon, the Seven Devils, and the Boulder White Clouds.✹ Sadly, I close with the unhappy news of the passing of two dear classmates. We lost Renee Ross Nadler Aug. 30, 2021, and Lauren Hampton Rice Jan. 3, 2022. Renee and Lauren made lifelong friendships within the Colby community and are missed tremendously. More information is available in the obituary section of this magazine.✹ If we learned anything from recent events, it’s the importance of remaining connected to friends and loved ones. Fingers crossed we will all be able to reconnect at our upcoming 40 +1 reunion in June! Victor Vesnaver and I hope to see you there!
It’s been a crazy, unpredictable two years. Most everyone who sent news wishes our class health, happiness, and blessings in the new year, as do I.✹ From Janice McKeown to anyone on the fence about coming to reunion: “PLEASE join us! Our 35th was so much fun. The College does an amazing job welcoming us back, but it’s the people who make the fun.” Also, Janice was thrilled to attend her goddaughter Annie Morris’s wedding in October. Annie’s mom, Suzy Teare Morris, was her freshman roommate, and despite Suzy ending up at Bucknell, they’ve remained great friends.✹ Mary Beth Whitaker McIntyre also looks forward to our reunion with ’80, ’81, and ’82 together! Covid time has made her and husband Jon value their friend and family relationships that much more. She and Jon settled into a second home on Ossipee Lake in 2018—just in time for “lockdown” getaways. In 2020 they hosted son Sean’s wedding on the dock, with daughter Kelly officiating. Landlubbers included MB’s mom, Joan Whitaker ‘58, while 60 socially distanced guests observed from small watercraft, including Janice McKeown and her husband, Greg. MB has kept busy with fundraising consulting since graduation and with her own business, Win-Win Giving, since 2006.✹ Lisa Smith Fry is back in Maine after many years as the rector at St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church in Camden. She writes, “Surviving the pandemic with a parish of strong-minded individuals was challenging … but never dull.” Lisa wishes she could see Cate Talbot Ashton ’80 more often.✹ Paul Maier reports a great turnout for the Alumni Hockey game on 12/4/21. Teammates from 1979-82 included Dale Hewitt ’80, Paul Quaranto ’80, Jay Driscoll ’81, Bob Norton ’81, Dan O’Halloran ’80, Eddie Ofria ’81, Brad Richards ’80, Deano Morrissey ’79, Bill “Otis” Maddox, Larry Sparks ’79, and Bob Davidson ’80, with guest visits from Steve Rowse ’83 and Mike Daly ’80. All were up and walking post-game and able to complete their trip with a visit to the porch of Deke (Drummond).✹ Sarah Perry Indelicato accepted Fidelity Investments’ voluntary buy-out and, after almost 21 years, retired last December. Sarah’s joined an indoor rock-climbing gym and was preparing for a trip to Antarctica in February. She and husband Paul hope to scuba dive this spring in a warm-water locale.✹ After 23 years with GE Capital Aviation Services, Andrea Brantner is taking advantage of its sale to retire. She’s loved her career and has been able to travel, volunteer, and impact the lives of young lawyers and law students. The loss of Susan Robertson Kuzia and several other friends has led Andy to rearrange priorities, so she plans a year to rest, reflect, and travel (hopefully).✹ Duncan McGillivray sends greetings to his former Dana pals. Following 15 years in Scottsdale, Ariz., Duncan’s enjoyed life in Naples, Fla., for the past seven years. He’s golfing, beaching, and biking while waiting for Covid/variant challenges to end. He’s currently completing a consulting engagement for a large capital project in Belfast, Maine.✹ Jeff Brown and wife Jessica sold their home of 23 years and downsized to a house down the street. The new place has a pool, so Jeff says come to Pittsburgh with sunglasses and a bathing suit (in the summer)! They’re hoping for a little “sanity” in 2022.✹ In June Steve Trimble retired from Fidelity Investments after 26 years and is focusing on charitable activities and travel. He and wife Andrea reside in Acton, Mass. Eldest daughter Melissa earned a master’s from Columbia in 2021 and married July 4. Daughter Lauren’s a nurse at Mass General and attends graduate school. Son Eric graduated from UMass in 2021 and works for a financial firm. Steve hoped to connect with Duncan Alexander, Ron Miolla, and Eric Coumou ’84 to ski in February.✹ Paul Veilleux still works with the Medical Reserve Corps to vaccinate as many people as possible. He also serves as his Lions Club VP. He moved from CT to IN to move his Austrian-born mother-in-law, who has dementia, near her sister. Now they can speak in German and hopefully spark some memories.✹ Carolyn Berry Copp’s gift from Covid is that she was laid off. As a result, she’s hung out her shingle again as a fundraising consultant and couldn’t be happier. After 18 months of choir practice via Zoom, she and her husband are back singing in church (with masks), and last fall they again participated in an outdoor theater experience called “Nature: Walking with Emerson and Thoreau.”✹ Denise Glennon had the pleasure of seeing Sue Kallio, Beth Ellis Tautkus, and Colleen Plourde Harvey at Beth’s daughter’s wedding in August, where they danced like no one was looking. She’s started an in-person tutoring business for elementary students, specializing in kids with dyslexia. Denise and husband Gary have a full house with four daughters, four dogs, one cat, four chickens (outside), and one horse (definitely outside).✹ Diane Conley LaVangie, Helen Dooley Anthony, and I enjoyed a weekend at my home in Bethel, Maine, in September. We hiked Puzzle Mountain, stopped by my favorite brewpub, shared a fabulous dinner, and sat around the fire pit under the full moon sky—perfection!
Well, hey friends! First off, BIG THANKS for all the news [Maine alums big in this thread, yo!]!✹ I heard from Christopher Easton, who’s still teaching at Eastern Maine Community College, on the school board of RSU19, and also taking the reins as fire chief for the Town of Dixmont, also known by the NYT as that “little speck of a town” and a wellspring of “incidents and accidents.” Chris shared thoughts on the myriad changes to teaching, and while he has found the school board is frustrating, it’s also “inspiring to see how the faculty and staff have taught through this challenging period in our history.” Hard agree!!✹ Having moved back to Maine last year, Deena Schwartz Ball is loving “the Way Life Should Be” near her daughters and their families. She and husband Curtis ’82 are fixing up an 1815 Colonial and creating a studio [check out Deena’s website for her painting] and woodworking shop in the barn. “It’s great to be back in Maine,” she writes.✹ From Mount Desert, Sal Lovegren Merchant checked in: “I do know that my plan is to keep teaching students with special needs at Mount Desert Island High School. With 20 years of school experience, I find myself one of the ‘most-senior’ employees.” Miss Sally sings, dances, and laughs aloud as often as possible alongside her side hustles: cleaning, catering, and volunteering for Colby. Both of Sal’s sons live nearby and “Check on The Mom” regularly. Sal’s Pearl: “Love the one you’re with and be giving of your care and patience to other humans.” Amen, sistah!!✹ So great to hear from Delisa Laterzo, whose son, Austin, has finished his M.B.A, gotten a job, married, and is living in Madrid. Yay! Delisa lives north of Boston with her partner, Jed Santoro ’82, running her promo business, and, like many of us, wondering if it’s time to retire and whether the pandemic will ever end? Because Madrid sounds like a fun place to visit, no?✹ From the wilds of western New York State, Bill Lloyd and his wife are now grandparents. Also, Nick Silitch swung through last summer for a visit. Meanwhile, Nick wrote, too, to relate that getting involved with Colby in the last decade has deepened his appreciation for what our college has been doing. Get involved!✹ Speaking of Waterville, Robin King retired from teaching art there. “While teaching during the pandemic was challenging, my last year was my best year ever. We had half-size classes (6-10 kids!), plus some learning remotely, and wow, what a wonderful difference. I decided I could never go back to the way it was and made my best year, my last year.” Not teaching, she’s creating a new life: “…every day I get a chance to hike, jog, or walk in the woods. I’m learning to play the cello, which I love so far. I also took up painting with watercolors, although I admit my style is not very traditional. While I admire those who can render a beautiful image with a few wet strokes, I find myself always reaching for a detail brush.” Robin posts her work here:✹ Rick Manley wrote that Jake Filoon hosted a number of ATOs from the Class of 1983 in early December: the good-time guys comprised Chris Schmidt, Chris Johnson, and Duncan Gibson (via Zoom) with a 1982 cameo by Rob Leary!✹ And I always love me an update from Girl Dad Geoff Ballotti, who writes, “All great with the Ballotti girls here celebrating the graduation of the youngest, Courtney, from U. Miami School of Nursing. Oldest daughter Kara now married. Kiki and Kendall seriously hitched.”✹ Stacey Sorenson Ristinmaa wrote in last January, just missing the deadline. “As I write from Sweden on a wintry evening, Colby doesn’t seem quite as far away as usual! And winter sports are about the same this year as they have been in the past. Nordic skating is a great and safe way to spend time with friends. Personally, I have just stepped down from a term as vice president for research at nearby Lund University. I’m looking forward to spending more time on the lakes, on the bike, and even on teaching. And on baking bread. My family is thankfully healthy, which I’m reminded of daily as one or more of them is always around the house.”✹ Scott Dow wrote from a beach in Jamaica [not a little envious, not me!]. Scott continues to advise clients and has recently begun working to introduce at-risk children to tennis with the ultimate goal being a self-sustaining program and facility. Keep us posted!
Hi everyone, and thank you for all the notes you sent. I was glad to hear from so many folks who haven’t written for a while. Covid has certainly affected many of us and caused us to rethink our lives. Many of you have done so much this year and should be congratulated for your creativity. ✹ Andrew Christy and his wife sold their bagel shop in McKinney, Texas, and retired. Married for 31 years, they decided to do what makes them happy. Andrew is on the board and is a guest editor for New Observations magazine. Their daughter lives in Melbourne, Australia, and has her permanent residency permit. Their son graduates from Oregon State University this spring. Andrew and his wife plan to travel, live life, and dance. ✹ March Colbath Richard has earned two graduate degrees (an M.A. in Spanish from Middlebury and an M.Ed. from Harvard) and taught Spanish and English as a Second Language for 23 years. She retired due to medical issues. She’s traveled in the U.S., Latin America, and Europe and lived in many states before returning to New Hampshire as a 13th-generation Granite Stater. Her Colby education served her well by providing a broad background of knowledge. Its value has shown itself throughout her life, enabling her to understand and appreciate any number of eclectic things she would not have otherwise. ✹ Ann Brachman lives in Norwood, Mass., but returns to Wisconsin to visit family several times a year since her company went remote several months after the pandemic started. Both children have graduated from college and are supporting themselves. She finds much joy in knitting and hopes to visit the Shetland Islands for Wool Week as soon as the pandemic allows it. Her hiking/knitting trip to Iceland has been postponed twice, but she fully believes 2022 will be her year! ✹ After more than 30 years in Delaware, Mike Mahaffie and his wife, Karen, moved to Vermont to try empty-nest life on a smaller scale. Both are semi-retired after careers as an information-pusher for state government agencies (Mike) and a music therapist and educator (Karen). With two daughters grown, educated, and adulting (in Toronto and Brooklyn, so far), Mike and Karen have scaled back from a family home to a small apartment in the river town of Winooski. ✹ Jeff Bistrong and Amy Sumner were married over Labor Day weekend at their property in Manchester, Mass., followed by festivities at the Manchester Yacht Club. Musical performances at the wedding included those by daughter Maddi Bistrong ’17. The couple splits their time between Manchester, Boston’s South End, and Santa Monica, where Amy has lived since graduating from the University of Tennessee. Jeff, a partner at a private equity firm, and Amy, VP sales for a national pharmacy business, frequently travel for work and pleasure and look forward to visiting with classmates as the pandemic winds down. ✹ After 34 years teaching social studies (all AP classes for the past 15 years), Vanessa Alonso DeSimone finally walked away and retired. She’s now focusing exclusively on her home-inspection business as the full-time coordinator/scheduling administrator. She catches up regularly with roomies Laurie Rutherford Slap and Kathy Musser Marshall—their bond has strengthened with wonderful reunions three-four times a year to include Zoom calls. She feels especially grateful for this special connection! ✹ Todd Halloran is very excited about the launch of the Halloran Lab for Entrepreneurship at Colby. They have a lot of work to get the lab up and running in 2022, but they’re encouraged by the support from David Greene, alumni, and students. ✹ As for me, I unintentionally adopted another collie puppy in August (completely unplanned). Unlike my very well-behaved Remington, Brady is a spitfire who’s quite vocal about telling me what he wants. While Covid has certainly affected my work and travel plans, I took a quick trip to Scotland in early November to participate in Conference of the Parties (COP26), the global climate conference, supporting the White House. I got back right before the Omicron variant started, so was quite lucky. Please keep your updates coming, and I’ll save them for our next column.
Kevin Bruen and his wife, Carolyn (Boynton ’84), live in northern California, where they’re empty-nesters. Their youngest son, Chris, is a member of Colby’s Class of 2025. Kevin and Carolyn occasionally visit Colby and watch Chris participate in swim meets or play water polo. Kevin said, “The campus looks great. The new athletic center is amazing—especially the new pool. Be sure to check it out!” On a recent visit to Mule country, he watched Colby prevail over Bowdoin in a hockey game. Kevin also had a good time catching up with Tom Cushman at his place in Warren, Vt., over Labor Day weekend and hopes to return for some skiing or biking. He also checked in with Mike Sanderson last summer in Everett, Mass., where they connected at BearMoose Brewing. Kevin continues to make trips to Southern California to surf with Tom Valinote. (“He loves it when I drop in on him or snake his waves,” Tom noted.) ✹ Cliff Tell led off with, “I probably haven’t written to Colby class news for about 30 years, so I’m not sure where to begin.” He’s married and says, “We don’t have any kids, but we have two ridiculously spoiled dogs.” He lives near Harpers Ferry, W.V., on lakefront property. He’s worked for the Postal Service for more than 18 years, mostly as an economist for the pricing department. Previously, he worked in the private sector, mostly in telecom. Cliff has fully recovered from bypass surgery a few years ago. “It must have been all those eggs I ate on the late-night show with the Gin Pup!” Cliff enjoys golf, watches sports on TV, and has a wine cellar in his basement (but still drinks only beer). ✹ Mark Howard continues to work in market research on Wall Street while his two kids attend college (Wesleyan and Smith). He and wife Marion spent a lot of pandemic time at their home in Boothbay and are increasingly involved with Maine nonprofits. Marion serves on the board at Bigelow Labs, while Mark assists people across the state on the Maine Community Foundation board. He feels blessed to have developed such deep ties with Colby friends, classmates as well as those from multiple walks of life. ✹ Steve Reed reports lots of changes in 2021. He retired from his law firm, Beck Reed Riden LLP, in April; his wife, Marcy, retired the same day. They bought a house in Scottsdale, Ariz., and sold their house in Concord, Mass., after 22 years. Now, they intend to split their time between Scottsdale and their lake house in Sturbridge, Mass. Steve keeps in regular touch with Stephen Langlois, Rick Anderson, Sean Padgett, Chris Murphy, Mark Howard, Ed Maggiacomo, John O’Connor, Dan Auslander ’86, Jeff Flinn, Eric Betke, and Eric Trucksess. Steve looks forward to reunion and the long-delayed graduation ceremony for his daughter Hailey ’20. ✹ Jim Gill and his wife moved back to Brisbane from the UK in August 2021. A lot factored into the decision: all of their kids now study in Australia, the parents-in-law are there, a Covid rethink following an extensive UK lockdown, and now a granddaughter, Abigail Elise Gill, almost 2. Jim started a job with a company called MOQdigital doing enterprise business development last December. They’ve moved to a “slightly edgy, up-and-coming urban neighborhood” in Brisbane. Jim hopes to make it home this summer to connect with family and attend his first Colby reunion since 2005. ✹ Dave and Cory Humphreys Serrano relocated to Ipswich, Mass., after living in Needham nearly 30 years. They love the town, being near the water, and being empty nesters. Their two daughters, Marisa ’15 and Erica (Berklee College of Music ’18) live in Massachusetts and California, respectively. Cory says she’s already communicated with several classmates who plan to attend reunion—Marcie Campbell McHale, Kathy Hughes Sullivan, Cathy Blagden—and encourages everyone to be there if possible!.
80s newsmakers

Hello, Class of 1986! Many thanks to everyone who sent news! ✹ Beth Schwartz moved to Massachusetts to take on the role of provost at Endicott College. She now lives in Manchester-by-the-Sea with her husband, Doc, and their English springer spaniel, Riley. ✹ Diane Smith Howard lives in Maine and works for a nonprofit in DC—living in heaven but getting city time in for balance. Diane provides case-related technical assistance to a network of civil rights attorneys. In her free time, she supports youth theater, ballet, drum ensemble, etc. She also enjoys backpacking and skiing. ✹ Joyce Sutton Anderson was named the AATF Eastern Mass French Educator of the Year. Congratulations! ✹ Rodney Southworth is in Atlanta. His son is a student at Auburn, and daughter Nicole is a high school senior. Rodney is CFO of Hillside, Inc., an inpatient psychiatric hospital for children. Two years ago, he traveled to Armenia and Poland and is planning to venture to Spain and Germany in 2022. ✹ Hank Yelle wrote in to say that she and Chris Engstrom will miss our reunion because it’s at the same time as their son’s high school graduation! Hank and Chris are working hard to project calm while wondering how they will handle empty-nest syndrome. ✹ Tom McCallum is also thinking about his future empty nest. His son is at Colorado College and another son is still in high school. Tom’s niece is a first-year at Colby. Tom and his wife split their time between Durham, N.C., and Pawleys Island, S.C., where they hosted Dan Hurley, his wife, and son. Dan is CFO with a construction firm in upstate NY. Tom works in investor relations. Three years ago, he joined Zoom and helped them go public. Since then, Tom reports that it’s been “an energetic, wild ride” (is there anyone out there NOT using Zoom??). Tom was recently honored by IR Magazine for Best Use of Technology, and he was recognized by the NASDAQ for contributions to the IR profession—they displayed his photo on the Times Square electronic billboard! ✹ David Quillen now works as program director at University of Central Florida/HCA Family Medicine in Gainesville, Fla. He oversees a program that trains 24 family-medicine residents and cares for underserved patients at a Federally Qualified Healthcare Center (FQHC). He has started mentoring current and recently graduated Colby students interested in pursuing careers in medicine. He’s planning to attend our reunion in June and has offered a challenge for any former swimmers out there: Would you like to join him in trying to hold an alumni swim meet in the new aquatics center? ✹ Dave Mace wrote in to say that, while he’s still working with FEMA, he’s taken a post at the Region 1 office in Boston. So instead of spending 300 days/year traveling to disaster areas as a spokesperson, he’ll be a liaison to New England’s Congressional delegation. ✹ Frederick C. ’87 and Gail Glickman Horwood moved from their longtime home in Scarsdale, N.Y., to East Hampton, N.Y., with plans to eventually settle in New York City. Gail was named chief marketing and customer experience officer for Novartis US Pharma, where she’s excited to be working in healthcare. Also working in healthcare is Gail and Fred’s daughter, Bridget Horwood ’19, at PWC, as a management consultant senior associate. ✹ Finally, a big congratulations to our own M. Jane Powers, who will start serving as chair of Colby’s Board of Trustees in May! ✹ Don’t forget to put our reunion dates on your calendar: June 2-5, 2022!
Got your cup of tea? Jammies on? Then let’s get started. ✹ John Beaudoin and his wife, Fay, moved to Stonington, Maine, “where we spent many happy summers. Our youngest, Camille, is a freshman at the University of Oregon. The first guests were Jim Sullivan and his wife, Thuy. I feel lucky to have maintained Jim’s friendship these many years, and regret losing touch with so many other classmates.” (Anyone in particular, John? Huh, John!) ✹ Melissa Raffoni transitioned her company to a new owner, stepping down as CEO. “2020 was our best year at the Raffoni, now Katahdin, Group. I’m proud of our work helping CEOs navigate the challenges of the pandemic. Special shout-out to Chris Vickers, Jeff Disandro, and Teri Scally Kinsella for being exceptional colleagues and friends during my 20-year run. Decompression included oil painting, learning the business of fine art, coaching a handful of mission-oriented CEOs, trying to learn Spanish, and purchasing a soon-to-be-developed vacation home in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica, where I first visited with Doug Hall ’90 while at Colby. I’m up to #23 of the #48 NH 4k peaks. (Not bad. I’m working my way up to #1). Also hovering as my kids prep for college, trying to stay fit, and traveling beyond Central America. We took an awesome trip to Greece in September. (I love that movie!) My partner, Phil, and I are always on the lookout for friends with interesting next chapter projects who want to collaborate or who are simply keen to enjoy these last few decades of our life. (Last few decades? Melissa, not good party conversation.) If anyone is in the areas of Denmark, Maine, Rye Beach, N.H., or Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica, and wants to hang out, reach out via FB or directly!” (I’ll be in all 3. Please have coffee brewing.) ✹ Marcus Ratliff writes, “My son, Gavin, 25, is getting married and moving to Portland, Maine, to work for a landscape architecture firm. My own landscape design/construction business is growing nicely, and I’m learning to move bigger stones smarter, with hydraulics, so I can do this 20 more years. ‘More weight’ as Arthur Miller once wrote.” (‘More bonbons!’ as I just wrote.) ✹ Colleen Balch recounts, “So the pandemic certainly upended my life. I had a somewhat stressful move back to my home in Vermont, but loved the glowing moments of being greeted by old friends, and wonderful catch-up sessions on my eastward trip through Carson City, Reno, Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, and Cleveland. Since then, I’ve added grant writing to my résumé and various other gig-type jobs, succeeding in garnering $8M for two clients over the last two years. This helped shift some of our national energy supply away from fossil fuels and toward renewables. Every drop counts, right? Gig work opened up the schedule and I was able to spend heartfelt time with two of my three friends fighting cancer before they passed. And when my hometown best friend’s older brother asked if I was free to raft the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon, I could say absolutely yes. A combo of DIY and contractor-driven house renovations in Vermont, huge veggie garden, and beginnings of my very own fruit orchard have kept me busy. I’ve visited with bio professor David Firmage’s family, Elizabeth Banwell ’85 and her family, Henrietta Yelle ’86 and her family, plus Doug Hall ’90 and his family.” (Wait, Doug was mentioned by Melissa, too. And he’s the diving coach at Colby. I’m thinking he may have a secret twin like Peter in that Brady Bunch episode.) Colleen concludes: “I also had lots of FaceTime with Louisa Bell Paushter and her husband, Rob, my personal computer guru.” ✹ My dear classmates, I cannot believe we’re approaching our 35th. It’s surreal. So, let’s all gather, laugh, reminisce, and perhaps even refuse to leave. What a great place to spend our last few decades.;)
Thanks to everyone who submitted news! Hearing from so many of you makes me excited for our 35th reunion next June. I for one am really looking forward to seeing the changes on campus and in downtown Waterville. I hope to see you there! ✹ Carol Anne Beach still spends time on Mayflower Hill as she works as a senior leadership gifts officer at Colby. She enjoyed a great COOT flashback over Labor Day weekend while hiking a section of the Appalachian Trail in Maine when she interacted with two different Colby COOT trips along the way. She continues to love catching up with Colby alumni and fellow ’88ers in her work on Colby’s Advancement team. And having Scott Smith (director of administrative financial services) as a colleague is “just the best!” ✹ Kevin and Heidi Irving Naughton split their time between Florida, Maine, and Vermont, with Maine being Heidi’s favorite! Heidi is busy overseeing a house they’re building in Florida on the course at the Country Club of Florida, their winter home course where Heidi works hard to lower her handicap. She also plays tennis at the Ocean Club in Ocean Ridge when she’s not busy walking her two dogs. Soon, she’ll start a second project building a house in Maine next door to her current home in Spruce Head. Needless to say, Heidi loves the design/build process! Their daughter Daly is engaged, and she and her fiancé live in Scotland. They’ll be married in Vermont in summer 2023. Son Liam lives and works in NYC, and daughter Claire is finishing her master’s in education at the University of Washington. ✹ When the Covid lockdowns began, venturing out for a walk on the beach seemed like a safe, positive thing to do for Mark Wylie. And #walkwithwylie was born. Mark documents each day’s walk with inspirational quotes and messages in the sand. He celebrated his 365th sunrise walk on Miami Beach July 14, 2021, and launched a website ( to honor that day. Mark is taking his project on the road, creating collections of motivational images and greeting cards from around the world. ✹ Paige Alexander Sato took a family trip to Iceland last summer and can’t wait to go back. Her son, who lives and works in Texas, came home for his younger sister’s graduation from Pratt as well as for Thanksgiving. Their youngest is finishing up high school and applied to art school. Next summer, the family will move to Philadelphia, as Paige’s work is remote and her husband’s NYC job is now hybrid. They look forward to rejoining city life. ✹ Anna McCaw Casey relocated to Deerfield, Mass., to be the lower school head at the Bement School. While she loves being back in New England, her husband, Bob ’86, is holding down the fort in Denver as he continues his work at Children’s Hospital Colorado. They’ve passed their love of NESCAC schools onto the next generation: their son graduated from Amherst in 2020, and their daughter is currently a junior at Hamilton. ✹ Congratulations to Scott Bunker, who became a grandfather last August! His son, Rob, and his wife, Petra, welcomed a healthy boy. His daughter, Sarah, got engaged to her boyfriend, Steve, and they’re getting married this summer in northern Virginia. Scott recently caught up with Ban Chuan “BC” Cheah, who visited Cape Cod with his wife, Maple, for a few days and stayed in Chatham. Scott reports that they’re doing well, living in DC with two college-aged daughters. Of course, no Bunker report would be complete without a social update. Last summer Mark Sicinski ’89, Peter O’Toole ’89, Tim Wissemann, Derek Sappenfield, Kent Fikrig ’89, and Geoff James traveled to Rob Koff’s home on Lake Sunapee for some wake surfing, among other activities. :>)
After months of no news, y’all really came through this time! I’ll try to fit it all in! ✹ Jim Connolly should maybe think about taking over from me, as his email was basically an entire column itself! In November Jim and his wife traveled to NYC, where they dined with Jan Gisholt and saw Book of Mormon—a trip the pandemic had postponed. Jan and his wife, Hara, moved out of the city to Old Greenwich and are raising two boys. Jim also dined recently with Kim Murphy Brewer and her husband, who are enjoying their empty nest and even taking a belly-dancing class. The Connollys and Brewers are hatching a plan to bike around Ireland sometime soon. I’d be happy to be the gear-driver/beer taster, Jim! Jim has taken up rowing again with the Capital Rowing Club and is enjoying the memories it brings of Messalonskee Lake with Colby Crew. Speaking of Colby memories, Jim reports that Gerry Hadden’s new book, Everything Turns Invisible, is full of autobiographical elements, including a small liberal arts college in Maine and two buddies, Massachusetts and Frenchie, who join the protagonist at a study-abroad program in Germany. Perhaps Dan Sullivan and Lawrence Collins know something about this? Finally, Jim reports that Chris Tompkins is in Saudi Arabia setting up the educational system in the new city of Neom. ✹ Bill and Anne Webster Stauffer enjoyed a visit on Little Diamond Island with Kelly Doyle, who is now working for the nonprofit Out of Africa. ✹ Mark Cosdon wrote from Sicily, where he’s spending a month at the University of Palermo developing a Broadway Musical Revue, which is ironic because he never auditioned for BMR at Colby. ✹ 2021 was a challenging year for so many of us, including Christin Haight Barnett, who lost her dad and a dear friend last year. Chris feels fortunate to be able to work remotely for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Her older daughter is in college, and her younger daughter just started high school. She promised to send me a pic she found of the two of us Nordic skiing behind Hillside—I ski often and thank Chris, who taught me to ski, every time! ✹ Krisan Evanson joined me in the “other” C club, having been diagnosed with an aggressive form of uterine cancer early in 2021. After some hellish treatments, her prognosis is good. Krisan also lost her dad this year and is glad to have the support of our great class. ✹ I forgot to text Marc Rando when we were at the Army/Navy game in December, but I hope we see each other soon in Annapolis, where both of our daughters are at the Naval Academy. Marc spent several weekends there this fall, watching his daughter play rugby; she eventually won the D1A national championship! Marc’s had a busy year: he and Stephanie sold their house in Massachusetts and bought a place on Lake Cobbosseecontee, near where Eric and Shari Sadowski Stram have a house. Marc had a serial Colby reunion this summer, entertaining Bret Dixon, Tom Abbatiello, and Rob and Hilary Barnes Hoopes at the new house, and seeing Melita Marks, Sarah Moulton Lawsure, Brian Kaplan, Dave and Cindy Cohen Fernandez, and Suzi and Matt Sotir as well. If you follow Marc on Insta, you’ll have seen the mouthwatering photos of his cooking, especially for the annual guys’ weekend with Roger Nowak ’88, Whit Marshall ’88, Ken Ginder ’88, Dave Fernandez, Tom Abbatiello, Matt Sotir, Bret Dixon, Andy Schmidt, Bill Thayer, and Eric Stram. ✹ Always graceful, I fell on my morning run in early November and broke my right pinky, eventually requiring surgery. Six weeks later, I’m still in a cast. Sheesh. But as 2021 drew to a merciful close, I was grateful for many things, most of all to you for continuing to share your lives with me. Happy 2022!
Bob Lian shared the sad news about the passing of John Hayworth during the grip of the pandemic, Sept. 8, 2020. A very touching remembrance was delivered Sept. 12 by one of John’s closest friends, Chip Smith. “John loved music, musicians, songs, lyrics…he loved it all. He was always a voracious reader. He was a critical thinker, a very, very good lawyer and advocate, a great writer, and had more capacity than I think he ever fully understood. John made other people feel important and valued. He was kind and had a generous spirit and soul. He was complete in so many ways and wildly imperfect, which made him one of the most lovable people I’ve ever known.” In addition to Chip and Bob, Steve Coan, Rick Kasten, Sam Jones ’91, and Scott Schirmeier attended the service on behalf of John’s many other Colby friends unable to be there due to capacity limits. Deep condolences to John’s wife, Martha, his children, Hedges and Margaret, and all those grieving John’s loss. ✹ After 30 years living and working in New York City, Stephen Nahley and his wife relocated to Portland, Maine. Stephen accepted an offer to join a developer, owner, property management company, East Brown Cow Management, based in Portland. Stephen thanks those he reached out to for help, including Sam Tucker, Saïd Eastman, Ken Barber, and Jon Gale, to name a few. “A very special thanks to Beth Kubik’s husband, Tom Hanson, who connected me with my new company.” Stephen is excited for this new adventure. Congratulations, Stephen! ✹ Following 26 years as a professor of psychology at Becker College, Kerri Weise Augusto, Ph.D. took a new position as director of undergraduate studies at William James College in Newton, Mass. Kerri “is pleased to work in an institution that caters specifically to students interested in behavioral health. William James College employs only psychologists and counselors and is wonderfully caring and compassionate.” Kudos to you, Kerri! ✹ Merrie Post Gramlich is coordinating a new two-year program just launched at the University of Maryland, TerpsEXCEED, for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Students will be fully included in campus life, audit classes, and live on campus with support from peer mentors to fully engage with academic and campus activities. Merrie’s husband, Rob Gramlich ’91, is in the thick of transmission energy policy as founder and president of Grid Strategies, LLC, where he provides economic policy analysis for clients on electric transmission and power markets in pursuit of low-cost de-carbonization. They’re in touch with Matt Cohen ’91 and Pete Weinberg ’91, both in Denver. ✹ Kristin Sullivan lives on Cape Cod with her son. After many years in the financial services industry and then commercial writing, she’s now in a new career as a crochet designer and teacher. “I just hit 5,000 subscribers on my YouTube channel. My website is” Kristin’s son is in the college search right now, and she states: “I wish it was me going to college. Colby was so much fun. I miss it! I hope to see some old friends at reunion!” ✹ Julie Ambrose Gray wrote about her important work in the medical field during 2021. “For me, the year began with high hopes that the Covid-19 vaccine would change the course of what had been one of the most challenging years of my medical career. I’ve been a physician assistant in Maine for 28 years, the last 11 years at Bowdoin, where I have found a passion for college health.” ✹ Diana Howell O’Brien shared the exciting news that her daughter Natalie was accepted early decision to join Colby’s Class of 2026! “We’re very proud of her, and she can’t wait to get onto the Hill and to ski with the Nordic team at Quarry Road.” The Colby legacy continues. Congratulations! ✹ It’s wonderful to hear from everyone, even when the news is difficult. Plan to join our former classmates in Waterville June 10-12 to reconnect with old friends and make new ones. Please stay in touch!
Greetings, classmates! To paraphrase a band from the ’60s, what a long strange trip the past few months have been. I hope you’re staying healthy and as happy as possible in these unusually trying times. Fortunately, there are a few constants … like our class news! ✹ Michele Friel Mullen is excited to share that her son, Ethan, is a freshman at Colby, living in Averill. He’s planning for an economics/Spanish double major, and in December he got his first ski pass at Sugarloaf. It’s truly nostalgic every time she drops him off or visits. Her daughter is a senior in high school and is looking for a bigger school and one different than her brother’s, so they’ll see where she lands. Michele has worked in the field of child abuse for more than 25 years. She works for the Northeast Regional Children’s Advocacy Center and provides training for child abuse programs in nine Northeastern states. One location is in Waterville, where she did an internship while at Colby in 1990. Usually, she travels around the region, but now she does mainly virtual training and technical assistance. She finds it hard to believe that she and her husband will be empty nesters next year, with their dog, Avery. ✹ Alan Yuodsnukis reported a small victory for home improvement and tool novices everywhere: he started and finished (!) building a small deck on the front of his house without a single trip to the emergency room. Then, he took his first summer off since 1984. He spent a few days exploring the woods and waters of eastern Maine, fast becoming one of his favorite places. He also managed to put in 650 miles of roller skiing on the mean streets of Brunswick, Maine. Alan also proudly reports that he’s now the least-educated member of his immediate family. His youngest daughter, Emily (Clarkson U, ’19), completed her master’s with distinction in international security at the University of Saint Andrews in Scotland in August. ✹ Cory Snow attended the Colby vs. Bowdoin men’s hockey game with Sandy Colhoun. It was the first rivalry game in Colby’s brand-new rink, and it had the proper outcome: Colby won 3-1. Cory said that the rink is amazing; it’s brighter and bigger, and the seats are great (he must be getting old; he sat for most of the game). However, Cory wrote, you can rest assured that it has a similar vibe; though no fish or octopi were thrown on the ice, the Colby student section was as rowdy as ever. Cory and Kurt Whited have transitioned from their weekly mountain bike sessions to weekly ski adventures. Sandy Colhoun and Trevor Braden join them from time to time. ✹ Jennifer Scott Anderson, who said she doesn’t usually (ever?) submit news, spent her Covid downtime training as an EMT. She now works for an ambulance company that serves the city of Milwaukee. She loves providing patient care, working with experienced partners, and learning new things all the time; she doesn’t, however, love overnight shifts, the itchy, unflattering uniform, or the criminally low pay. Jennifer enjoys getting out to Maine regularly to visit Hilary Robbins and see her beautiful goddaughter, Georgia Goodman ’23, a junior at Colby. She loves hearing all the exciting new initiatives on campus and hopes to attend our reunion this June. ✹ Oh, yes … there’s a reunion in the works! Since last year didn’t work out, we’re invited back to the Hill THIS year instead. Check your email or Colby’s website for developments and details. I hope to see many of you there, but until then, stay happy, stay healthy, and as always, keep that news coming!
Felicia Gefvert Guerchon: “After living in the Portland, Ore., area for seven years, my husband and I moved our family to Bend, Ore., in search of more sun. We share an 8-year-old son, two bonus daughters in their 20s, two dogs, and a cat named Dog. I left my long-time job in leadership development at Intuit in 2013 and have been happy and busy as an executive coach ever since.” ✹ Last July Lyz Makely Best, Sura DuBow Lennon, and Amy Selinger met in Newport, R.I. “Best way to cure your pandemic blues? A visit with college besties. Newport did not disappoint. From cliff walks to mansions to biking to fancy drinks to amazing seafood dinners on the water followed by nightly ice cream and Olympics watching, this trip was exactly what we all needed. Feeling lucky!” ✹ In July Sarah Block Wallace flew in from Denver and stayed the night at my home in Concord, Mass. Same sentiments as above. We felt lucky! ✹ I am volunteering (with my dog, Birdie) as a steward for our town’s land trust, helping monitor and maintain miles of trails in conservation land. And, I joined our Community Chest grant allocations committee—distributing funds to various organizations that directly address the needs of community members. ✹ In August Lisa McMahon-Myhran and her husband, Rob, dropped off their daughter Alice at Colby. “We met up with John ‘JJ’ Lovett ’96 and his daughter and with Amy Parker ’91 and Steve Albani and their son. We missed seeing Bill ’93 and Anne Maddocks Michels, who had dropped off their daughter a day earlier for cross country. It’s so amazing to see this next generation of Mules—all in the same graduating class!” ✹ In September Christy O’Rourke Habetz, K-K Smith Tindall, Lisa McMahon-Myhran, and Marah Silverberg Derzon met in Denver for a long weekend. “We laughed, ate, and drank our way through the city! And met up with Denver’s very own Thorn Luth and Josh Cummings. It was like no time had passed!” ✹ On September 11, a group of ’92 alums from the West Coast to Switzerland ran/walked a 5K “together-apart” with love for Lyz Makely Best and her late husband, Jeremy Glick, who lost his life on Flight #93 in 2001. We look forward to more alums participating next year to raise funds for Jeremy’s Heroes, whose mission is to ensure that all children can improve themselves and their communities through organized sports and character education. ✹ In November Alice Johnson Handwerk and her daughter Lilly traveled to Dallas for a lacrosse tournament and ran into Jenny Alfond Seeman and Katherine Rynearson Tagtmeier, who were there with their daughters. Small world—even in Texas! ✹ This winter Tabby Biddle, Whitney Adams Ward, and Dakota Glenn Smith spent an afternoon together in Malibu. “We walked the beach, shared about our lives, and reminisced about our Colby days. We feel so lucky to have lifelong friendships that started at Colby. Here’s to being Feb Fresh(wo)men!” Tabby adds: “I’ve been busy as a women’s leadership consultant and speaker coach helping women fulfill their dream of becoming a TEDx speaker. I also started a women’s writing group focused on female protagonists and female-centered stories. We’ve built an amazing community of screenwriters, novelists, nonfiction authors, essayists, poets, and spoken-word artists—all supporting one another to get their projects out in the world!” ✹ Whitney Adams Ward works part time for a boutique marketing agency in Hingham, Mass. “Chris Ward and I are looking forward to Lily’s graduation from Trinity College in May 2022, planning to go to many of Sam’s Hobart lacrosse games this spring, and trying to keep up with Sasha, a sophomore at Thayer Academy. Chris continues to work for Absolute Investment Advisors in Hingham.” ✹ Hope to see many of you on Mayflower Hill in June! Until then, be well!
Last summer Hilary Gehman coached at the Summer Olympics in Tokyo. Hilary says that while it was a disappointing result for the women’s quadruple sculls, just the games being held at all was a huge win. She reports, “It was a much different Olympics than any other with no spectators at any events, a mask mandate, daily Covid tests, and very strict rules about where we could and could not go. The Japanese people were extremely kind and welcoming despite very public opposition to holding the Olympics. It was a great experience overall, but I was very ready to come home to my family and relax for the rest of summer.” Hilary lives in Princeton, N.J. ✹ John ’92 and Jen Larsen Daileanes recently bought a house on Cape Cod, where they love to see Kris Balser Moussette and her family and Sue Sarno Mihailidis and her family, who also have Cape houses! Jen loves getting together on Zoom or in person with Karyn Rimas Baker, Heather Johnson Webster ’95, Tachou Dubuisson Brown ’95, and Rachael De Costa ’95. Heather’s and Jen’s daughters both attend Elon University in North Carolina, which makes parents’ weekend extra fun. ✹ Lael Hinman Stanczak is not quite an empty-nester, but she’s getting close. Her family had three graduations last year: son Teaguen from UMass Amherst with a master’s in elementary education; daughter Ainsley a delayed 2020 graduation ceremony and celebrations from Emory; and daughter Keely from aesthetician school. Lael is also busy planning a summer wedding for her eldest, Teaguen. ✹ Crawford Strunk, wife Shelly, and three teens—Asa, Everett, and Emma—are still in northwest Ohio, where Crawford is a pediatric hematologist at Russell J. Ebeid Children’s Hospital in Toledo. Last summer he and his family traveled to Maine, where they met up with Maylene Cummings Mitchell ’96 and also had a great visit with Patrick Robbins, his wife, Rachel, and their kids. Crawford and family stopped by Colby and were amazed by how much the campus has grown. ✹ Brandy Shafter Chapman hails from Cohasset, Mass. She recently visited Sedona, Ariz., with Colby roommates Laura Steinbrink, Cristen Coleman Mastroianni, and Claudia Tejada Riley. She says, “We have gotten together over the years and visited different places, but we wanted to elevate our trip this year because we all turned the big 5-0. Laura, Cristen, Claudia, and I are all doing well and keeping busy with work, family, and life in general. I love that our friendship that started over 30 years ago at Colby has endured and grown.” ✹ Mike Murphy lives in Taos, N.M., and summers in McCarthy, Alaska, where he welcomes Colby visitors. He stays in touch with Ryan Friel, Mike Powers, and John Bonello, calling them whenever he needs a laugh. Mike has decided to make his 50s the best decade yet, committed to gratitude, humility, acceptance, and humor. ✹ Ari Druker traveled from Tokyo to NYC over Thanksgiving and caught up with Rob Hostler and Jon Yormak for a fun lunch. Ari’s looking forward to the next reunion, and I hope you are too! ✹ Mike Rosenblum lives in Hoboken, N.J., with his family. Older daughter Anna started college and attends Lafayette in PA. Mike’s younger daughter is a junior in high school and is considering Colby. Mike says, “During the pandemic, I decided to learn something new and took flying lessons. I just earned my private pilot’s license and have been flying a lot around northern NJ. If anyone is brave enough to come flying with me, give me a shout.” ✹ Shawn Lambert is assistant superintendent of schools in Brunswick, Maine. He says, “Like everyone else, I’m navigating the ever-changing world of Covid. Looking for the light at the end of the tunnel!” ✹ My family and I currently live in London after relocating from Hong Kong (via California). If you find yourself in London, please reach out! Thank you to everyone who sent news. Drop a line anytime to
The past year was challenging, but most found a few bright spots. Many were able to see dear ones after long absences and, to steal a line from our classmate Carolyn Hart, it was a “summer of hugs” for some. ✹ Andrea Stairs Davenport met up with former professors Mark Tappan and Lyn Mikel Brown while they’re enjoying retirement in southern Maine. The duo was a huge influence on Andrea’s decision to pursue her career as a professor. She’s currently professor and associate dean of the School of Education and Human Development at the University of Southern Maine. ✹ In other educator news, Josette Huntress Holland was promoted to head of middle school at Cary Academy in North Carolina. ✹ By the time you see this column, Lori Cohen Sherf will have completed her 11th Boston Marathon as a DFMC Challenge Runner. Since her first marathon in 1997, she has raised more than $75K and hopes to hit the $100K mark with this year’s race. ✹ My “summer of hugs” included a brief visit in Ithaca, N.Y., with Milly Noyes Stephenson and her husband; an overnight visit with Josette, Lori, and Kamin McClelland Macomber while Kamin was visiting East Coast colleges with her twins; and a lovely weekend in Nantucket with Bekah Freeman Schulze, Carolyn Hart, Heather Lounsbury, Marile Haylon Borden, and Kim Morrison Lysaght ’90. ✹ As we look back on our first 50 years, I hope our enduring friendships forged on Mayflower Hill are reminders of how special Colby is in our hearts. Be well, Class of ’94.
Josh Burker started a new teaching job last fall at Marymount School in New York City. He teaches a creative technology class to girls in grades six, seven, and eight. He also manages a fabrication lab at the school. He and his students “have been hard at work building automatons, programming in Logo and drawing with floor turtles, and constructing paper circuitry in accordion books.” ✹ Matt Morrissey lives in Newburyport, Mass., and was “feeling old this fall after delivering my oldest of three daughters to her freshman year at Connecticut College.” He coached his sixth-grade son’s tackle-football team last fall while guiding the company he started in 2019, Fusion Cell, to break even. Matt attended a Patriots game in December with Chris Fossella, whose oldest of three sons will be heading to college next year. Matt’s playing in the 27th season of his Colby fantasy football league, which started in the Street of Miller Library in 1994. James Colligan, Jim Zadrozny, Mike Manning, Rick Catino, and Tyler Rainey all still play in the league; Chris is still the only one in his league without a championship. ✹ Rick Catino was part of a mini Colby reunion that took place last summer in Scituate, Mass. Mike Manning attended along with alumni from other classes, including Stephan Hatch ’93, Greg Suffrendini ’93, Bob Ward ’93, Chuck DiGrande ’92, Frank Toce ’92, Greg Burns ’93, Bill Higgins ’92, Chris Baynes ’93, Kevin Darling ’93, Will Berglund ’93, Mike O’Neil ’93, Paul Froio ’93, and Tim Merrigan ’93. “Overall, there was less hair and bigger bathing suits—but a lot of laughs.”
90s newsmakers

Omicron is slowing life for many, and I worried that this edition of class notes would cover only the metaphysical. But plug in some great emails, and I got to write this instead. Let’s get to it. ✹ Niki Shinneman Yarnot works for Wanderlust Careers as a career coach, providing career assessment, coaching, and vocal coaching. She also continues to teach piano. Niki and her husband, Vince, celebrated 20 years of marriage last August, and her three boys (18, 15, and 9) keep them both very busy! Niki’s oldest son is in the process of applying for college, which she finds hard to believe since it feels like her own days at Colby were just a few years ago. ✹ Matt Russ wrote me about a year ago, and I just found the email (sorry Matt!). Matt continues to paint (his work is amazing). Check out his series from fall 2019 View from the Easterly, of views from the Popham area, at Matt also completed a series of works called the Little Island series, one of which made the cover of Maine Island Trail Association’s guidebook in 2020. ✹ Fellow econ major Adam Muller writes that he’s now a full-time stand-up comedian, and he asks that Colby peeps (and their kids) follow him on Instagram for jokes and clips from his work. Adam, I promise to follow you if your routine includes reflections on being the Grossman RA senior year. It starts with a rogue Polaroid that LaWaun Curry ’97 found in the attic. ✹ Alex Chin authored an epic post. Chinny shared that last June, over the same weekend as reunion (June 4-5), a Mule Train packed with Brett Nardini, Jason Jabar, Dave Stephens, and Stu Wales, plus Glenn Forger, Sean Handler, and Hobie Antik from the Class of ’97, rolled down to the Jersey Shore for some golf and R&R. Later that summer, the train chugged north for some off-the-grid shenanigans on Sebec Lake in Dover-Foxcroft, with passengers JC Panio (and family), Jason Kidwell (and wife), brother Chris Chin ’93, and Alex’s wife, Mary (Thach ’98). Then, Alex and JC’s team “Funk You Cancer” rode in the Pan-Mass Challenge and threw a fundraiser that raised more than $100,000 for Dana-Farber. Colby peeps in attendance for that included Graham ’98 and Kristen Staaterman Nelson ’98, Sean Handler ’97, Glenn Forger ’97, Gregg Forger ’97, Todd ’97 and Tanya Semels Brylinsky ’97, Mike Wood ’00 and Karin Sachs ’98, Maegan Carey Storey ’98, Jed McGraw ’02, Sarah Gelman Carney, Dan ’03 and Laurel Burnham Deacon ’03, and CJ Polcari ’97. ✹ Jeff Sklarz recently earned New Haven “Lawyer of the Year” honors for his bankruptcy practice, which he says makes up his losing bid to be president of Foss in 1993. ✹ As for me, I reconnected with Anna Goldsmith via her copywriting agency, the Hired Pens. And I almost went ice skating with Tobin Scipione, drinking with Nate Howell, and skiing with Alex Leventhal. Instead, I just sent Dan Rheaume a care package of Little Debbies. Damn Covid. ✹ Oh, and back on September 5, I watched as my client, the MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center, successfully tested a high-temperature superconducting magnet that broke the world record for the most-powerful high-temperature superconducting magnetic field strength ever produced, a key gating technology for fusion energy. Adam, somebody tried to do that in Grossman once.Send more notes, please.
Last year Kim Parker became director of the Crimson Summer Academy at Harvard University. In early 2022, her book, Literacy is Liberation: Working Toward Justice Through Culturally Relevant Teaching, was published with the Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development. She continues rabble-rousing as cofounder of #DisruptTexts and is enjoying life with her 7-year-old. ✹ Zahid Chaudhary teaches at Princeton and is finishing his second book, Unruly Truth: Libidinal Politics and Crises of Authority. A chapter from this book, on QAnon and contemporary paranoid politics, was published in History of the Present in March 2022. ✹ In her 13th year teaching chemistry and earth science at Boothbay Region High School in Maine, Lauren Graham recently completed her M.Ed. in STEM curriculum and instruction with the NASA Endeavor program. Her daughter is a first-year at Northwestern, and her son is in 10th grade … and a student in mom’s chemistry class! ✹ During the past year, Amanda Gläser-Bligh traveled back and forth between her home in Berlin, Germany, and her mom’s home in Connecticut. She shares that, although the reasons for travel were sad, the losses of her sister and her father, an upside was meeting Patrick and Amanda Randolph Doyle for a hike in Connecticut (she highly recommends them as hiking partners). ✹ Peter Sheren and his family have kept busy in Singapore, despite two years of Covid travel restrictions. He sits on the steering committees of both the LGBTQ+ and Southeast Asia Women’s network at Goldman Sachs, and he’s part of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Planning Committee at the Singapore American School. When not working or playing dad, Peter’s on the board of trustees and serves as treasurer for the People’s Music School of Chicago, where he teaches Jewish studies to fourth and fifth graders. Oh, and for relaxation, he’s a cook; be sure to follow him on Instagram, @Circuit_Breaker_Chef. ✹ Christian Winkley and his wife, Anna, run a residential construction company and manage multi-family rental properties in their neighborhood in Hartford, Conn., where they live with kids Anna, 15, and Jack, 13. Although he and his family all contracted Covid last year, he says the silver lining is that, once recovered and with Covid immunity, they traveled to Iceland during the first week it was open to foreigners. They just about had the country to themselves and had a fantastic time exploring, hiking, seeing amazing geography, watching the volcano, and off-road driving. ✹ Jon Levin and his family are doing well and living in Needham, Mass., where he grew up. He recently joined Scafidi Juliano in Waltham as a real estate and estate planning attorney and is enjoying it. Also, he’s enjoyed coaching his sons’ travel basketball teams for the past six years. Jon’s been in touch with Adam Elboim. ✹ Welling LaGrone recently joined Triverus Consulting and will help the company’s executives define services and market strategy as the technology service lead. ✹ Kim Berget Salmon also recently started a new position as director of operational risk and marketplace operations at LendingClub in Boston. ✹ Dave and Alicia Nemiccolo MacLeay live in Rome, Maine. Son Burke is a first-year at Colorado College while daughter Adelle entered high school. A long-time volunteer at Quarry Road Trails in Waterville, Dave has been working as the venue’s coordinator part time to get the old Colby alpine ski hill up and running again this winter. They’ve already installed a new rope tow! To learn more, please visit ✹ I look forward to seeing you at our 25th reunion. (How is that even possible?!) In the meantime, I’m grateful to hear from so many of you. I’m inspired and impressed by your accomplishments and perspectives, especially during these times.
Emily Larsen recently graduated from MCPHS University in Manchester, N.H., with a master’s degree in physician assistant studies. Her preferred specialty at this time is orthopedics; she’s considering a doctorate program in March through Butler University. Emily plans to move back to South Dakota immediately after graduation and hopefully back to Arizona. Her daughters, Vivian and Ella, are in third and second grade, respectively, and doing great! Emily got together with her old roomie Laura Jordan over the summer; they met up for dinner in Maine. She also saw Kathleen Pigeon at Kathleen’s newly opened gluten-free brewery in Biddeford, the Lucky Pigeon. Emily hopes to make it back to Colby in 2023 for our 25th reunion. ✹ Andrew Littell has been training with a local rowing club with the hopes of participating in the Three Rivers Regatta.
Thanks to everyone who shared highlights from last year. Here’s to future endeavors, more opportunities to reunite on Mayflower Hill, our own children visiting for college tours, and any other reason to visit campus. Colby has certainly made the news in many ways last year, and I’m thrilled to see the expansion in its programming and continued commitment to Waterville and surrounding communities. Here’s the news from a few classmates; I encourage more of you to share in the future! ✹ Andrew Wnek recently retired from the USAF, Maine Air National Guard, with just over 21 years of service as a KC135 pilot, conducting trainings and operating refueling missions around the world. He’s currently in his eighth year flying for JetBlue, now as an Airbus captain based in Boston. ✹ Julie Simpson Korich currently lives in Richmond, Vt., with her husband, Andrew, and son Ethan, 3. She’s a medical director for U.S. Medical Affairs Neurology and Immunology at EMD Serono, Inc., supporting research initiatives in multiple sclerosis. She said that she loves being back in the Northeast and spending as much time as possible outdoors with her family. ✹ Derek Kensinger was married three years ago to his lovely wife. They eloped to Macau, where they hit a lucky bet on #2 at the roulette table, which paid for their trip. Derek is a middle school principal at an international school in Taiwan, which is fun and challenging—every day is different! He’s also been working on his doctorate and on his tennis and golf games while trying to climb every 3,000-meter peak in Taiwan. “Miss the Colby Outing Club!” ✹ Ben Grasso still lives in Cumberland, Maine, with his wife, Jenn, and daughter Cordelia. He recently became the assistant head of faculty and academics at Thornton Academy in Saco. ✹ Shana Dumont Garr has been a curator at the Fruitlands Museum in Harvard, Mass., since 2016. She looks forward to beginning a doctoral program with the Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts in May. She’s so excited to return to student-mode for this chapter of her career! ✹ In October Hillary Lerch Gibson traveled from Portland, Ore., for a girls’ weekend with Class of ’99 friends who traveled from their homes to meet up in Indianapolis: Laura Hurley (Boston), Julie McMaster (Marlborough, N.H.), and Molly Frazier Macke (Carmel, Ind.). They all bunked up and enjoyed mimosas and wine instead of beer die. ✹ Kelly Williams Ramot and her family (husband Dan; three kids, 15, 13, and 11; and a border collie Covid puppy) spent much of 2021 living in Barbados. They loved learning to surf and watching sea turtles swim by. One of the biggest highlights was a visit from Crystal Brakke, who braved Covid travel restrictions and spent a week exploring the island and visiting all of Kelly’s favorite beaches. After an amazing seven months of Caribbean life, Kelly and her family are back home on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, where they’ve lived since 2008.
It’s so nice to hear from so many of you! ✹ Alex Moskos celebrated the birth of daughter Ruby in 2019 and has enjoyed the new wonders of fatherhood. During Covid, he, along with Brian Hiester, Scott Friedman, Jonah Rudman, Geoff Starr, and James Mason, kept themselves sane by forming a band and rehearsing over Zoom. It may not have been the ideal mix of instruments, but they gave it their all. A work in progress, they’d love to say that their reggae version of “Run to the Hills” is pretty fantastic. ✹ Katie Reber Colcher continues to work as a family nurse practitioner in northern Virginia at a general family practice. Like many others, she had to quickly adapt to tele-health and other technology but is thankful for the flexible work schedule it allows. In her free time, she supports her daughter at the dance studio and on the soccer field. ✹ Limi Perry Bauer has begun speaking out against the religion she was raised in, also known as a controversial cult. You can hear her interviews on the podcasts And Then Everything Changed with Ronit Plank and Falling Out with Elgin Strait. She continues to live in Austria with her husband and three children. She teaches technical English at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria. ✹ Carolyn Clark Ledbetter lives on the South Shore with her husband and three kids. She hopes that everyone has been okay throughout the pandemic. She’s really looking forward to getting back to Colby and reconnecting with everyone. ✹ Chris Marks still gets together (at least) once annually with Geoff Mason, Jeff Boyer, Jeremy Barron, Jeremy Kidde, Darren Powell, Dave Schoetz, Tom Reynolds, and Mike Ames. The main focus of this get-together is a beer die tournament. The pairings have remained the same, more or less, since 2000. Chris says happily that he and Mason usually win, much to the chagrin of all, “especially Team JB, who fancy themselves as elite.” ✹ Chrissie Marzano Davis, Lara Bonn, and Kathryn Johnson Kaminski spent a beautiful fall weekend together in mid-October for the wedding of Tammie Sebelius Pelletier ’02 in New Hampshire. Other Colby women’s rugby team alums in attendance included Kathryn Kosuda ’02, Nicki McNair ’02, and Kristy Malm ’02. Tammie was reportedly a beautiful bride, and they had a wonderful time catching up and celebrating. ✹ Michael Siegel, Ross Frankenfield, and Peter Hans celebrated Thanksgiving together in Bend, Ore. It was a great opportunity to see old friends and for their nine kids to meet and experience some healthy competition via a beer die and SV tournament. Of course, there was an adult division and an 11U division for the kids. Amended by Michael, Ross “Manos Grandes” Frankenfield won the beer die tourney (of course). While traveling to Bend, Siegel ran into Eric Saucier at a rest stop in northern California, and they exchanged a brief head nod. ✹ Cipperly Good strapped on her Nordic racing skis for the Quarry Road Opener last December, only to find she was the only master’s woman signed up. The Colby Nordic ski team—and those from Bates, Bowdoin, and UNH—swiftly put her ego in check, but at least she could win the master class race. Sometimes life is just about showing up and finishing the metaphorical race. ✹ Benjamin Schlitt Ritz was elected to the Texas Bar Foundation, is serving as secretary to the Houston Young Lawyers Association, and is practicing coverage law at Thompson Coe. ✹ Laura Gagne Scheck wrote from her home in Ossining, N.Y. After 12 years in Brooklyn (15 in NYC) she moved with husband Gabe and energetic sons Emory and Andy, just in time for the fall foliage. “It’s great to have a larger kitchen to run Teaching Table.” She’s busy growing the business and providing cooking classes (mostly virtual) and developing recipes. She even wound up cooking and baking with Colby alums, including Lauren McCarthy and family (“so much fun”)! Last summer Laura enjoyed a vacation in Maine, showing her husband all the best spots in Portland, hiking for wild blueberries, and rafting the Kennebec River.
Hello, class! It’s time for our 21st reunion this summer! Here’s some news until we all see each other. ✹ Stephanie McMurrich Roberts recently enjoyed a weekend in Maine with Laura Montgomery Malone, Lauren Stevens Hannigan, and Mindy Mraz Barber. She continues to teach psychology courses at Harvard and has a private practice. When she’s not working, she’s busy with her three kids, Avery, 8, Owen, 6, and Henry, 3. ✹ Amanda Cochrane lives in Vermont with her husband and three kids. She directs a regional nonprofit, Umbrella, which supports survivors of domestic and sexual violence. She loved spending time with Kim Condon Lane and family last summer. She also had a blast in Nantucket at Jodi Dakin Loughlin’s with Kim and Heidi Roy ’00. They got to surprise Whitney Dayton Brunet and Chris Brunet when they rolled in unexpectedly with some Colby ’01 tunes. It was great to connect “one more time.” ✹ Danielle Fornes Quinlan ran her first (and probably only) marathon in October. Now she’s back in Michigan, and her kids, 5 and 3, were super excited for their first real winter! ✹ Brooke Fitzsimmons Welsch gave birth to a little girl, Zoe James Welsch, April 14, 2021. ✹ Corey Stranghoener Reuwee now works as director of alumni relations at her alma mater, John Burroughs School in St. Louis, and loves it. ✹ Venola Mason’s book Teach Up! Empowering Educators through Relationships, Rigor, and Relevance was published in June 2021. Teach Up! is a practical resource for educators that offers ideas, strategies, and resources to improve their instructional practice in creating a positive culture for learning and exposing students to instruction that allows them to solve real-world problems. ✹ Stuart Luth and wife Viviana are back in NYC after escaping to Florida for most of 2020. Their son, Auren, started at Hunter College Elementary School, and Viviana is due in May. Stu continues his dual career in acting and coaching. The acting side includes a national voice-over spot for PBS and playing a Rolls Royce salesman in a Mike Tyson biopic. In the coaching realm, he works for LifeHikes. He sees Lauren Schaad every day; she joined LifeHikes as VP of people. ✹ Sarah Belanger Hay reported that she and Sarah Breul, Jessica Alex Keenan, Michelle Cook, Bethany Knorr Chung, Becky Downing Tynan, Janice Greenwald, and Calla Fankhanel reunited in Portland, Maine. They had a fabulous time enjoying Portland’s gastronomic and alcoholic delights, took a tour of Sarah Breul’s fishing boat, cheered on Jess’s son’s soccer team, and visited Michelle’s new home in Falmouth. ✹ Julia Drees lives and works in Berkeley, Calif., and spends more and more time in the Sierras now that her kids are growing up and enjoying backpacking and skiing. ✹ Jumalia Qazi lives in San Francisco and enjoys her work as a UX researcher in the ed-tech space. ✹ Seth and Hilary Spitz Arens enjoy Salt Lake City. Seth works as a climate scientist for Western Water Assessment, and Hilary is director of sustainability and water resources for Snowbird. Their twins are now in fifth grade, and Hilary recently took her daughter to spend a long weekend in California with Pam Foxley Arifian and her daughter. ✹ Will Barron is finishing up his master’s in occupational therapy and has started coaching track and field again for the University of Maine at Farmington. He’s still playing music with local Maine musicians and still hikes, skis, and mountain bikes all over New England. ✹ Todd Miner left his job at Deloitte for Accenture to work in their talent and organization strategy practice. He and his wife welcomed their second child, Oliver, and are moving to the beach this summer. ✹ Hannah Smith Harrison, her husband, and two daughters, 12 and 7, are doing great in Oklahoma. Hannah’s sixth picture book with Penguin Random House, Poopsie Gets Lost, comes out April 6, so she’s really looking forward to that! ✹ Katie Meyerhans Hammonds still lives, runs, bikes, and skies in Bozeman, Mont., raising two little munchkins and working as a PA.
Your classmates write with wonderful achievements, professionally and personally, and grand adventures. Hopefully, this year will include an adventure back to Mayflower Hill for many of you for our class reunion. ✹ Sister Bethany Marie and five other sisters made their perpetual vows as Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary on Aug. 22, 2021. ✹ Matthew Charles and his wife, Alyson Goyette, welcomed their child Emelia Sage Charles Oct. 20, 2021. Matthew’s been working as a geologist for the New York State Department of Transportation for the last 16 years. He bought a cargo van last year, built it out into a camper, and took it across the country in April on a big ski trip. ✹ Chris Cogbill moved back to his hometown, La Crosse, Wis., in 2016 and works as a surgical and hematopathologist and clinical laboratory director with the Gundersen Health System. He has three elementary school-age kids and a rambunctious black lab who keeps him on his toes. He hopes for a big snowy winter for the start of his first year leading the youth cross-country ski club in town. In February he planned to again ski the American Birkebeiner Nordic ski marathon. He helped design the Colby Nordic alumni race suit that he’ll wear with pride! Chris hopes to make it to Maine for the 20th year reunion in June, maybe with his sister Allison ’07. ✹ In July Carl Tugberk took on a new role at Wells Fargo, leading the Office of Consumer Practices for Wealth and Investment Management. In September he was thrilled to spend a night in Portland with Shawn Brunell and his family en route to Colby for homecoming and the naming of the soccer field in honor of Coach Serdjenian. Carl enjoyed visiting with Coach and with soccer alumni from a broad range of years. He’s also looking forward to our 20th and reconnecting with a lot of classmates. ✹ Erin Clark enjoys serving on the board of Run Wild Missoula, her local Montana running club. Run Wild’s marathon/half-marathon experience has been rated one of the best in the country. Erin promises to act as tour guide for anyone who comes to run. ✹ Alexandra Suchman writes from DC with news that over the last 18 months she cofounded a company called Barometer XP that uses games as the basis for leadership development and team building. They believe that exploring pressure through play helps teams create stronger, more inclusive, and human-centered cultures. ✹ After enjoying a few years of white-sand beaches, palm trees, and endless sunshine while working as a sustainable agriculture extension agent with the University of Florida, Sarah Bostick and her wife decided to head for the hills. They relocated to the beautiful mountains of western North Carolina in 2021. Sarah now works as an independent-farm, food-hub, and food-systems consultant. ✹ Veronica (Craun ’03) and Justin Ucko spent time in Maine last summer with a bunch of other Colby grads. They also took their older two sons, Rowan, 17, and Ian, 15, on a tour of the Colby campus. Their little guy, Lawson, 13, was happy to stay in Cape Elizabeth with TJ Hauser and his family. Of course, Justin and Veronica brought Pad Thai back for everyone. They’re very happy to have moved to a small farm in New Jersey five years ago as the space has come in handy during the various levels of quarantine. ✹ Edward Jastrem has expanded his business with the hire of two new financial planners on his team; he’ll hire more in 2022. He looks forward to his son turning 2 and taking a trip to Nashville.
Chris and Ellen Whitesides Kalisz welcomed their second daughter, Sarah “Sadie” Margaret Kalisz, Nov. 28, 2021. Sadie joins big sister Elizabeth “Ellie” Jane, 3, and their greyhound dog, Prescott. Ellie and Sadie can’t wait for reunions to finally visit Mayflower Hill and see all the new buildings and action they hear about on campus. ✹ Brad Petersen, Dan Parise, and Matt Wallerstein are celebrating a tradition of having dinner together once a month in New York City. They reached 100 straight months in late 2021 and plan to convene a lot of Mules to celebrate this milestone once the pandemic allows. ✹ Justin Stempeck left his position as director of licensing at Draft Kings in May 2021 and took a job as chief strategy officer for Compliable, a company focused on compliance in the gambling industry. Last summer he caught up with Spencer Hutchins, Justin Ossolinski, and Doug Laliberte. ✹ Danielle O’Steen and Michael Pincus ’02 moved to Philadelphia with their two kids, Samuel, 6, and Rosalie, 3, saying goodbye to Washington, D.C., after almost 14 years. They moved to be closer to family in true Covid fashion. ✹ Suzanne Skinner Forster is excited to share that her son, James, who was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in August 2018, when he was 3 years old, finished his chemotherapy in June 2021. He’s doing very well. ✹ Sarah Zerbonne is still in DC working for the U.S. Global Change Research Program, which produces the National Climate Assessment. She welcomed her second child, daughter Hollis May, in May 2021. ✹ Brendan and Alida Malcom Fitzpatrick moved from Baltimore to Bentonville, Ark., at the end of last year with their two daughters. Brendan left his law practice to serve as senior counsel for litigation in Walmart’s legal department. They’re excited to start this adventure in their new home in 2022 and would love to connect with any Colby alum in northwest Arkansas. ✹ If news that you sent last fall didn’t appear in this column, blame my spam filter—and accept my apologies. Please send it along again to and I’ll include it next time. And if you didn’t previously send news, reach out anytime with updates large or small. We’d love to hear from you!
Happy 2022! I hope this finds everyone’s new year off to a good start. ✹ Holly Brown got married Aug. 6, 2021, to Jack Cronin, a news reporter and sports announcer in San Diego. They married in Paso Robles, Calif., at Opolo and Halter Wineries with several class members in attendance, including Breilyn Brantley, Michael Hepburn, and Graham Poage. ✹ Sarah Chapple-Sokol married in May 2020 (a tiny pandemic wedding) and bought a house south of Boston. She and her husband welcomed a son in October 2021. ✹ Lauren Henderson started a new job as an IT database administrator at Dexter Southfield School, a Pre-K-12 school in Brookline, Mass., in July. She reports that husband Brad Seymour is still teaching theater and coaching JV swimming at Phillips. ✹ After teaching fifth grade online last year while simultaneously getting used to motherhood, Anne Olmsted Kirksted is currently taking the 2021-22 school year off to run around, get messy, and watch lots of Daniel Tiger with her 2-year-old identical twin daughters, Claire and Nora. ✹ Joshua Gutierrez is a coordinating attorney at Community Legal Aid in Springfield, Mass. He represents tenants facing eviction from their homes. ✹ Kate Thrasher-White and her husband, Tom, welcomed their first baby, Ashlyn, in July. They currently live in Bradford, Mass., where Kate works for herself as a therapist specializing in child and adolescent mental health. ✹ Jessalyn Gillum started a new position in March as an assistant district attorney in Juneau, Alaska, and will soon celebrate five years in remission after her ovarian cancer diagnosis. ✹ Janine Elliot started a job at the University of California-Davis last fall and bought a cottage in Sacramento with her partner. ✹ Cynthia Davies is in the midst of buying a place in Norway, Maine. She’s still working as a physician assistant, currently splitting her time between emergency medicine in Portland and hospital medicine in Norway. ✹ Karen Prager and I are still in Connecticut, where I’m continuing my work in assessment design for an education nonprofit, and Karen is teaching high school history while also starting a post-graduate program in educational leadership. Send your news, big or small, any time to!
00s newsmakers

Last March Greyson Brooks and Mike Barry welcomed their first child. Saul is a healthy, social baby with exultant but exhausted dads. ✹ Rebecca Mandeville Coleman and her husband, Dan (Tufts 2004), welcomed their second daughter, Emily, Jan. 19, 2021, and moved to Cape Cod last spring. Big sister Kate absolutely LOVES the beach life. Becky had both Jackie Rolleri and Julie Miller visit last summer, and they had a great time catching up! ✹ Bram Gellar is in Portland, Maine, these days, where he works as a cardiologist and critical care physician. He’s the director of the cardiac intensive care unit at Maine Medical Center. Bram and his wife welcomed their third child into the world in June. Their family of five is doing very well. ✹ After nearly two years apart and many Zooms across four time zones, Amy Cronin Davis and Ashley Lamb Lynn were able to visit Leah Weisberg Clark and her family in Southern California last fall. A few weeks later, Amy reunited in person with Nicole Stadelman, Meghan Gallery Civiello, and Kelsey Neville Berman in Boston! ✹ Caitlin Peale Sloan keeps busy as vice president for Massachusetts at Conservation Law Foundation, watching her son, Henry, 4, grow with husband Alex Sloan and visiting Jenny Venezia Faillace and her new bundle of joy. Caitlin and her family have fingers crossed that the triple-year reunion will move forward as planned so they can attend with lots of rugby teammates from ’05-’07. ✹ Jess Minty welcomed Emma Louisa Lane, born Dec. 4, 2021. Big brother Elliot, 4, is handling the newest family member like a champ. Liz Turner and Hillary Easter have been showering Emma with virtual hugs and amazing hand-me-down clothes. ✹ Josh ’05 and Emily Greene Kahn welcomed a son, Miles, in April. He and big sister Evelyn, 3 1/2, are madly in love. ✹ Jessica Seymour Wood is in her 11th year in Boulder, Colo., and enjoying life with husband Anders ’07 and their two kids, Theo, 3, and Baxter, almost 2. She’s still doing the stay-at-home-mom gig and enjoying being a part of the community at their kids’ Montessori school. They looked forward to winter in the Rockies and wish everyone a healthy 2022! ✹ Barbara Hough Kallas welcomed a baby boy, Anthony, Jan. 8, 2021. She also shared that her mother passed away on her son’s 11-month milestone, December 8. The bond they shared was the most beautiful memory she’ll always keep of the two of them. ✹ In 2021 Seth and Meris Esterly Stout celebrated 14 years of owning Geronimo Trail Guest Ranch in New Mexico. The ranch is located in one of the most beautiful and remote areas in the lower 48, the Gila National Forest, and offers guests a much-needed chance to get off the grid, disconnect from technology, and reconnect with what matters most in life. Meris would love to reconnect with old Colby friends at the ranch. Look them up at! ✹ John McKee and I took a magical trip with our daughters to Disney World, where we rode all of the rides, ate every Mickey-shaped treat, and enjoyed seeing everything through the eyes of a 3- and 6-year-old. A reminder that our 15th reunion is finally happening, and as an added bonus we get to reunite with ’05 and ’07 too! If you’re able to, please make the trip to Mayflower Hill June 10-12 for what will be an incredible weekend of reminiscing!
Annie Mears Abbott and her husband, Doug, welcomed Tucker Baird Abbott last December at Dartmouth-Hitchcock in Lebanon, N.H. They’re splitting time between Woodstock, Vt., and Boston. ✹ Erica Annon and her husband, Shantanu, welcomed Robert “Bo” Singh Dhaka to their family on Jan. 22, 2021. ✹ Ross Kaplan reports, “My wife gave birth to our second child, a baby girl, in October, who we named in memory of my dad. We’re excited to go up to Maine this summer (fingers crossed) to introduce her to my Colby friends (and lobster)!” ✹ Christian ’08 and Leslie Peterson Crannell moved to Seattle over the summer. They’re renting a house with their two little boys while Christian completes his fellowship in transplant surgery at UW. They enjoy the Pacific Northwest and are on the lookout for any Colby connections in Seattle! ✹ Liz Stovall reports, “We moved to the Lake in Chicago. It’s a new construction house, and we had to live in a hotel for one month in June…woof. It also happened to be Pride Month, and we were in the LGBTQ-desert with nary a rainbow flag in sight, but for the tiny one in our hotel window.” ✹ Karli Gasteazoro McGill moved to Bethlehem, Pa., with her husband and two girls, Parker Jane, 6, and Margaret Jo, 2, and their golden retriever, Tangawizi, 8, who was a wedding present from the Colby gals. Karli enjoys being close to NYC and hitting up Broadway shows and old friends like Elisa Chiniara and Natalie Ginsburg whenever possible. ✹ Jamie Kline and Jamie Winterbottom live in Oakland, Calif., with Micah, 3, and Genevieve “Evie,” 1. Female Jamie is working as a veterinarian and male Jamie is a marketing manager.
Thanks to those of you who submitted updates! Justin DePre ’06 and I had an exciting fall, as we welcomed our second son, George Walter DePre, to our family in September. Big brother Charlie enjoys his baby brother (most of the time…). ✹ Jessica Osborne is almost in her fifth year at Oak Ridge National Laboratory doing non-destructive testing on projects for NASA and supporting work for medical isotope production and other researchers across the lab. She’s also engaged to her partner, Nikki. They’re planning a wedding in November 2022! ✹ Jamie and Kara Dalton Waters welcomed their second daughter, Blake, in January 2021. Big sister Charlotte is loving her new role! ✹ Christopher Shelley recently started a new job as a data and engagement fellow for the City of Philadelphia, Office of Innovation & Technology. ✹ Colin and Kristin Weigle Roberts welcomed their daughter, Coralie Elizabeth Roberts, in April 2021. ✹ Amidst the Covid chaos, Elizabeth Petit decided to leave her job at Affinivax last fall and go back to school full time for a master’s in public health at Boston University. She’s majoring in epidemiology and biostatistics and minoring in human rights and social justice. The transition back to full-time school hasn’t been completely easy, but Liz is finding the coursework fascinating and hopes to do Colby proud! ✹ Mark ’09 and Raven Adams Phillips celebrated their 10-year wedding anniversary in May 2021. Now settled in Santa Cruz, Calif., Raven works as a sustainability lead for a Fortune 500 infrastructure company, helping manage social and environmental impacts, especially those related to climate change. ✹ In August Patrick Sanders was promoted to executive director of constituent engagement and development for Health and Medicine at George Washington University. He leads a team responsible for strengthening the alumni engagement and donor stewardship programs for three tremendous schools at GW: Milken Institute School of Public Health, School of Nursing, and School of Medicine & Health Sciences. In September Patrick took a road trip to New England and visited Dustin Hilt and Bailey Woodhull in Medford and got to meet their son, Oliver. He visited Joel Alex and enjoyed beers on the water in Biddeford. He also visited us in Brunswick and got to meet our newborn son, George. It was an awesome week! Then in October, Patrick made a quick work trip to Denver and caught up with Annie Furlong and Dan Moss. In July, after 14 years in the role, Patrick resigned as co-chair and as a member of our class fundraising committee. He shared that he was grateful for the experience and the opportunity to have served our class and our alma mater, #BecauseColby.
Brooke Barron welcomed baby Theo in July, joining big brother Owen. The family loves living in Harpswell, Maine, and hopes that 2022 will bring them lots of Colby visitors and vaccines for the little ones. ✹ Alexander Richards and his wife, Kate, saw Sam Hoff and his wife, Elisabeth, and Josh Sadownik and his wife, Caitlin Coit ’08, for the first time in person since 2020, just before Christmas—at a Star Wars-themed bar in Boston! Alex and Kate enjoyed a fiercely competitive game of Mario Kart via Zoom with Adam Lowenstein, his partner, Erin, and newly adopted pup Camden. Alex hopes to see them in person soon! ✹ Josh Jamner, wife Rebecca, and daughter Piper, 3, moved to Park Slope, Brooklyn, last summer. They’ve bumped into Will Kinder ’08 at the playground a few times and are very excited to have Becky Lynch moving to the neighborhood. Josh reports seeing the same two high school kids in the neighborhood wearing Colby sweatshirts but hasn’t had a chance to talk with them and confirm that they’ll be part of the Class of 2026. Josh and Rebecca also had dinner with Dan Roboff and his wife, Emily Duncan, last fall and also had a great day playing golf with John Roberts and Xander Kotsatos over the summer. ✹ Kimberly Cohen Neil successfully defended her Ph.D. in ecology and evolutionary biology at Brown University, where she studied genomics and wildlife disease across invasive and imperiled species. Kim and husband Christopher Neil ’07 welcomed twins Lillian Marie and Bennett Christopher, who join brother Griffin, 6, reportedly thrilled with the two new additions. ✹ David Metcalf had a daughter, Murphy, born in February 2021. She and brother Everett, 2, ensure the household is in a constant state of loving exhaustion. Dave and wife Hillary were very happy to see many Colby friends last year, including at wedding celebrations for Dan Heinrich, Tom Hurley ’12, and Sam Carter ’11. They look forward to seeing more of everyone in the coming months. ✹ After being vaccinated, I’ve been visiting with Frank Apantaku ’71, including bringing his grandchildren and future Mules to his 75th birthday party last August. In September Benjamin Hauptman and I attended the pandemic-delayed wedding of Cliff Vickery ’10 to Lindsay Larsen, where we were seated with Alea Thompson and Jason Stigliano. It was quite delightful to be able to catch up with everyone.
Hi everyone! I’m the new class correspondent for 2010. Thanks to Caity Murphy for serving as the correspondent for the past several years. Looking forward to reconnecting! ✹ Dan Reeves and Leah Turino ’11 live in Seattle with their crazy dog, Baker. Dan spent a lot of the last years working on Covid epidemiology. They see lots of other PNW Colby folks around town or out in the mountains. ✹ Kyle and Caroline Turnbull Doran live in Medford, Mass., and welcomed Franny Doran in February 2021! Franny can’t wait to meet all of the other babies of her mom’s Colby pals born during the pandemic. ✹ Zack Ezor lives in Durham, N.C., with his wife, son, and dog. The dog is the best, and she knows it. ✹ Jack Brainard and his wife, Katie, have two kids now. Louisa was born in June and George is 3. Jack caught up with John Lewallen when he visited the Bay Area last summer. ✹ Sarajane Blair and her partner, Brad, live right outside Philadelphia and welcomed a son, Malcolm, in late September 2021. According to his stepsisters, he’s a precious, squirmy worm. ✹ Jenn Corriveau Honeycutt finished her third semester as an assistant professor of psychology and neuroscience at Bowdoin College. She recently developed a lab course on affective neuroscience, where students used a rat model to understand the neural mechanisms of therapeutic ketamine on anxiety- and depressive-like behaviors. Outside of work, she’s been hunkering down with her wife and 19-month-old daughter on the beautiful island of Harpswell, Maine! ✹ Laure-Hélène and Andy Oakes-Caseau are trying to keep it together in Baltimore while Laure-Hélène finishes nursing school and they adjust to life as parents of two, following the birth of their second daughter in August 2021. ✹ Jeremy and Annelise Wiersema Plourde moved to Brunswick, Maine, from Portland at the start of the pandemic. In August 2020, they welcomed Henry. ✹ Jim Rockafellow moved back to Maine with his wife, Meghan. They welcomed their first child, Charlotte, Sept. 1, 2021. ✹ Coyne Lloyd is a partner at Fractal Software, spending time mostly in NYC and SF. If you’re thinking, “Man, I really liked that guy in college but we never got to hang out enough/we haven’t talked in a decade,” reach out now. He’d be stoked to hear what you’re up to. ✹ Alex and Carly Rapaport Vargas welcomed a baby boy in November 2020, Jack! She knows it is last year’s news but hey, new motherhood is wild. ✹ Jenny Dean Shaw had a baby boy, Theodore, in July 2021. He is extremely ticklish. ✹ Drew ’09 and Elise Randall Hill and Lucy, 2, moved back home to the Seattle area last fall to be near family and enjoy the Pacific Northwest. ✹ Kat Cosgrove finally ran the Berlin Marathon in September 2021 after having to defer for Covid (boo) and proceeded to eat/drink all of the pretzels/beer she could get her hands on. Kat also started a new position as national security advisor for Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA). ✹ After nearly 10 years in the UK, Piper Haywood and her husband, Sam Baldwin, made an ill-timed move to the U.S. in spring 2020 and spent the bulk of the pandemic locked down in San Francisco. They’re now living in Brooklyn with their 7-month-old son, Beck. Piper continues her work as an independent web developer. Life is good, but for her sanity, she hopes the next few years will be less eventful than the last two. ✹ Kevin ’11 and Maya Ranganathan Baier moved to Lakewood, Ohio, last fall and bought a house. Kevin now works at the Cleveland Clinic. They expected their second baby girl in February! ✹ Lastly, Ross Nehrt and I welcomed another boy in September 2020 and are thoroughly enjoying all the togetherness that Covid mandates (LOLOLOL). We’re still in Portland, Maine, and love it. We’re eagerly awaiting Beth Ponsot’s move to Maine as a Birkenstock rep.
Michael and Elizabeth Davidson Clark welcomed their second child, Owen, in July 2021. Their first child, Charlotte, is now 2 and enjoying the role of big sister immensely. Michael will complete his Ph.D. program at UNC-Chapel Hill this spring. Michael and Liz look forward to (hopefully) making a trip up to Maine this summer!✹ Craig Bunker married Dr. Sonja Boatman—an NESCAC/Williams alum—in Minneapolis on November 20. A host of his Colby classmates and lacrosse teammates attended the wedding: James Brady ’10, Alex Boches, Natasha Atkinson Burke, Amanda Forrester Cilley, Lizzi Fort, Catherine Mullin, Jack Vernamonti, Tyler Cash ’12, Brady Lenahan ’12, and Chris Barrand ’12. The newlyweds went on a mini-moon to Stillwater, Minn., before celebrating Thanksgiving with family. They plan to take a longer honeymoon in 2022. ✹ Michael Yohai and his wife welcomed their first baby. Their daughter, Shayna, was born in New York City on April 21—they’re hopeful she’ll be joining the Class of 2043! ✹ Jo and Jordana Flick Bellairs welcomed a baby girl this summer. Lily Elizabeth is four months and already a Colby girl. ✹ In April Rian Ervin and Colin Sloniker eloped in Muir Woods. They’re excited to celebrate their marriage with family and friends this June in Big Sur. ✹ Sarah Martinez Roth defended her Ph.D. in tumor biology from Georgetown University Lombardi Cancer Center in December 2020. She currently lives in Cambridge, Mass., with her husband, Jonathan Roth. ✹ Grayson Crowley and husband Dewey welcomed a little boy, Cooper, in May. Their son Logan is a proud big brother and thrilled to have a playmate. ✹ Sophie Sarkar, Heather Arvidson, and Robyn Wardell met up last summer for a camping trip in Maine to celebrate Heather’s birthday, Robyn’s recent move back to Maine, Sophie’s general wonderfulness, and a decade of friendship. They hiked Blueberry Ridge (on the homelands of Wabanaki, Abenaki, and Pequawket tribes), picked blueberries on top, and ate a lot of ice cream.
Travis and Abbey Wallace Eddy welcomed their first son, James Gust Eddy, Oct. 12, 2021! They’re thrilled to be raising him in Park City, Utah, where Abbey works for the nonprofit SOS Outreach. ✹ Lucy Wilhelms married Steve Telkamp in August 2021. ✹ Jen Cox is publishing two young adult novels in 2023 and 2024 with Bloomsbury Children’s. ✹ Neighbors Caitlin Burchill and Ali Iannotti ’11 caught up over coffee. Burchill loved finally meeting Iannotti’s future Mule! ✹ Gordon Lessersohn and Jenny Stephens welcomed their baby boy, Henry, in April 2021. He’s a happy boy with a big smile and two and a half teeth, and he loves laughing at Waldo the Cat. Henry experienced his first Maine winter in December when they visited family for the holidays. ✹ Andy Estrada and his partner, Andie, got engaged in late May 2021 at Discovery Park in Seattle. ✹ Yuri Min was sworn in as an attorney in Connecticut and now works at the Connecticut Supreme Court Clerk’s Office. Yuri spent Thanksgiving 2021 with some Colby friends, including Mike Whalen, Jason Parrett, and Gabe Lerner. It was a smaller gathering than most years, but the crew still appreciated being able to get together. ✹ Karyn King graduated from a family medicine residency at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center last summer. She then moved to Portland, Maine, and started working for Southern Maine Health Care’s Kennebunk Primary Care office in Kennebunk. And, perhaps most excitingly, Karyn got engaged to her partner, Paige Fors, in November 2021. The couple plans a wedding this summer. ✹ Taylor Horan Jones’s big news is that she and husband Trevor welcomed their son, Cody Campbell Jones, June 11, 2021. They enjoy life in Darien, Conn., as a family of three! ✹ Last year Max Hogue ’13 and Sarah Hirsch had a tiny little seaside wedding and moved to a tiny little seaside town in Rhode Island. Sarah is pursuing being an artist for real, and Max is a primary healthcare provider. They have a lot of pets, like, a lot—too many to list in this column! ✹ Trip Venturella is excited to report that he got married last year! They were celebrated by Colby ’12 buddies Jack Harris, Tim Buckingham, Jeff Carpenter, and Doug Newkirk in the wedding party and lots of Colby friends as guests. ✹ Carolin Maney Purser lives in Baton Rouge, La. In July 2021 she started a new position as the director of evaluation and data at the Center for Literacy and Learning. Carolin and her husband welcomed their first child in spring 2020, in the midst of the pandemic. Though they enjoy the mild winters, Caroline misses the beauty of the snowy Maine winters. ✹ Margaret “Meg” Kruithoff moved to Rochester, N.Y., to begin the internal medicine residency program at the University of Rochester Medical Center/Strong Memorial. Meg is sure to keep in touch with friends in Boston like Madison Louis ’13 while making new friends and exploring the outdoors of upstate NY in her very spare free time.
I hope everyone’s 2022 got off to an excellent start! It was wonderful to hear updates from so many of you this time—there’s been a lot to celebrate, even in these challenging times. ✹ Last November Charlie Frank married Taylor Arnold, with Ben Hannon, Eliza Appleton, Lexi DeConti, Charlotte Wiesenberg, Emily Ferrero, and Rob Yee ’12 present to celebrate. ✹ Ben Brauer married Molly Murphy May 29, 2021, in Vergennes, Vt. “I feel very grateful so many Mules were in attendance,” he said. Colby guests included Emily Fererro, Patrick Harper, Jed Rooney, Paul Spada, Joey Tagliente, Phil Amato, Dennis ’12 and Sally Klose Gallagher ’12, Brian Mellett ’12, and Catherine Mullin ’11. ✹ Lucy Gerrity married Richard Newton ’11 over the summer. “It was a long time coming, and such an amazing time with great friends and family,” Lucy writes. ✹ Charles Davis writes, “After graduating with my M.B.A. from the Wharton School of Business in May 2020, my then-girlfriend, Arlie, and I moved into her mom’s house to weather the pandemic. After several months there, I felt totally confident in proposing to her the day before we moved into our own apartment in downtown Manhattan. We quickly filled out our small apartment with a quarantine puppy, a toy Australian shepherd named Coda. Fast-forward to August 2021, and despite all of the virus concerns, we safely held our wedding in Brooklyn surrounded by families and friends. Colby had a great turnout, as 10 graduates were in attendance. The next month, we purchased our first home in Fairfield, Conn., the same town we both grew up in. We’re quickly adapting to the suburban lifestyle and are so grateful to have accomplished so much during such a challenging time.” ✹ James Hootsmans and wife Kayla “took the plunge in March 2021 and bought a house in Salem, Ore., to better accommodate our hybrid job structures. In September we rescued an 80-pound mix of a dog—a total sweetheart but still working through her past issues.” James works in the environmental geology and hydrogeology world in the Pacific Northwest, having obtained both his Oregon and Washington geology licenses in 2021. He hopes to assist the state of Oregon in remediation and clean water issues. “All visitors are welcome in Oregon,” James adds. ✹ Molly Colman finished her M.B.A. at NYU Stern in December. ✹ Kristina Haney started graduate school at Antioch University in Keene, N.H., where she’s studying for a master of arts in counseling. ✹ Pasquale Eckert completed his oral and maxillofacial surgery residency at Tufts Medical Center in June 2021 and is practicing in downtown Belmont, Mass. After 12 years of NESCAC education, he’s giving back, on-call teaching at Tufts Medical Center and Mount Auburn Hospital. Pasquale and Georgie (Hurst) live in South Boston with their golden retriever, Poppy. ✹ Abbott Matthews writes, “I’ve been living in North Carolina for 2021 as I was in limbo during my relocation with Facebook (or, I guess, Meta?!) from São Paulo to California. It’s been fun to see Claire Dunn (roommate, teammate, bridesmaid!), since she’s finishing up her Ph.D. at the University of Chapel Hill.” Abbott and her fiancé, André, now live in the Bay Area and have rescheduled their May 2021 wedding to March 2022 in Brazil—“right after the first Carnival the country will have had in two years, so we’re expecting big things and lots of fun.” Abbott works in global security at Meta, leading the implementation of their first Fusion Center, a global 24/7 operation. ✹ After spending the last three years in Denver, Tom Letourneau moved back to his beloved home state of Maine. He ended his career as a kindergarten teacher on a high note, as a finalist for the Rae Harris Intellectual Curiosity Award given out by Denver Public Schools. He’s now a first-year law student at the University of Maine School of Law. He’ll run his first Boston Marathon in 2022. ✹ Lastly, sharing a little update of my own—last spring, I left my day job in higher education to take my freelance writing business full time. I’ve since relocated to New York City, where I continue to contribute to design and lifestyle publications, including Architectural Digest, Apartment Therapy, and the Wall Street Journal Off Duty. Shoot me a message if you’re in the city!
In September Carly Rushford ’13 and Chris Eden got married in Hood River, Ore., surrounded by tons of Mules. The views were beautiful, the dance party was raging, and the Colby alumni outnumbered any other guest grouping, with more than 30 Colby friends in attendance. They had alumni from 2014 all the way back to 1980, with Mimi Brodsky Kress ’80 representing the earlier days up on the Hill. ✹ In the last year Will Hochman has appeared on the CBS show Blue Bloods as a recurring character. He also shot a film called the Greatest Beer Run Ever, directed by Peter Farrelly, opposite Zac Efron. Break a leg, Will! ✹ Shannon Kooser Miller graduated from the Kellogg School of Management in June and spent the summer road tripping from Chicago to Maine. She saw a few Colby friends along the way—Kelsey Cromie, Josh Balk, and Kayla Lewkowicz Voigt—and made a stop in Waterville to check out the new pool. Since then, she started working at Huron Consulting Group in their higher education consulting practice. ✹ I spent the summer attending weddings of friends and family, most notably the weddings of Ryan Fischer ’12, Kayleigh Monahan ’13, and Tom Hurley ’12. ✹ The Class of 2014 is deeply saddened by the loss of our classmate and friend Arya Mortazavi. We send well wishes to his family.
Connor Clancy and his wife, Sarah (Lux ’14), moved back to the East Coast, settling in Cambridge, Mass. They welcomed their first kiddo into the world, Graham Clancy, July 1, 2021. ✹ Catherine Minahan accepted a nurse residency position at the San Francisco VA Medical Center after graduating from nursing school in 2020. She feels grateful for the warm West Coast welcome from fellow 2015 grads, including Maria Bowe, Keith Chernin, Leah Harakawa, Meghan Harwood, Lily Holland, Liz McCormack, John Munz, Will Vietze, and Ben York. She’s looking forward to connecting with other San Francisco Mules! ✹ Gregory Naigles had a rather uneventful year in 2021, which, considering everything that’s been going on, is probably a good thing. He still lives in Concord, N.H., and is actively hiking; his quest to hike every trail in the White Mountains is continuing at a good pace, and he’s very close to completing the Terrifying 25 hiking list. If any Outing Club alums are interested in hiking in the White Mountains, they can certainly reach out. ✹ Nell Pryor married Bobby Moffitt Sept. 25, 2021, in Vermont. She had fellow Colby grads by her side, including Molly Cox, Libby Ekman, Ashley Johnson ’13, Ruthie Hawley, and Sam Kim ’14. ✹ Anne Schechner and Emily Arsenault ’14 finished their Ph.D.s together as part of a dozen institutes’ NSF project studying a hundred rivers across the steppes of Mongolia and the western United States. They’re both now continuing as post-docs, Anne at IGB-Leibniz in Berlin, and Emily at Bates but working closely with the Environmental Studies Department at Colby. ✹ As a part of his work with the National MS Society, Ben Zurkow helped put on a “Dating with MS” panel series that brought together people in the multiple sclerosis community from around the country to discuss the challenges of dating in general, allow people with different perspectives to openly share their experiences, make meaningful connections, and learn from each other. Ben is passionate about demystifying MS and would like to offer himself as a resource if anyone has any questions. For more information on the series, feel free to check out or email Ben at
10s newsmakers

We finally made it to 2022! Here’s what some of the Class of 2016 has been up to since our last update. ✹ Katherine Kibler married Lucas Woodward ’15 in September 2021 with many Mules in attendance! ✹ Sophia Ozburn and Andy Currier got married in Austin, Texas, Oct. 23, 2021. The backyard wedding was filled with love, dancing, and alumni from the Classes of 2015, 2016, 2017, and even one from 1969! ✹ Last September Cat McClure ran her first 100-mile race, the Bear 100, with amazing help from fellow Mules Lauren McCarthy, Sara LoTemplio, and Buck Auchincloss. ✹ Max Eberhart and Will Ryan are starting an oat-milk company. Name coming soon! ✹ Alex Walsh recently moved to San Francisco to take a job at Housatonic Partners. He lives in Pacific Heights and would love to meet up with alums in the Bay Area. ✹ Seth Butler is enjoying his first year of residency in emergency medicine at the University at Buffalo. Bigger news is that he and fellow Mule Abby Hatch ’15 got engaged! ✹ Cassandra Biette married Stephen Pell Aug. 7, 2021, on the water in Maine. After postponing a year, they were thrilled to celebrate with friends and family, including Caroline Tegeler, Spencer Jeffrey, Grace DiBari, Chloe Geffken, Parwana M. Ayub, and Sara LoTemplio. ✹ Meg Giblin Upton got married in May 2021. She’ll be attending Tufts’ Occupational Therapy Doctorate Program next year. ✹ K. Lipshultz Trafton received her Ph.D. in earth sciences (volcanology) and in January started teaching English as a Second Language starting in Cheonan, South Korea. ✹ Wishing everyone a healthy and happy 2022! I look forward to seeing many of you at reunion in June!
Greetings, 2017 Mules. As your class correspondent, I seek to uplift your stories and provide exciting updates. 2022 has launched in a dizzying frenzy of worrisome Covid-19 strains and wavering calls for normalcy across many cities. Unfortunately, a recent case of the flu reminded me that this pandemic is far from our only health concern. Colby encourages us to exercise caution and practice self-care through this year. I continue to stay sane with socially distanced hiking trips and occasional happy hours. I particularly enjoyed visiting Kristen Settele ’18 in Washington, D.C., and listening to a Latin jazz band with Anthony Ramirez ’16 in our part of the Bronx (NYC). Y What are other classmates up to? ✹ Amanda Millatt is graduating from her master’s in public health program at the University of Pennsylvania this May 2022! ✹ Syman Hossenbux has been traveling a bit since graduation and currently works as a data scientist for CRIF, a credit-rating agency based in Bologna, Italy. He hopes to come back to the United States for our reunion and catch up with all of us this summer. ✹ Meanwhile, Mark Martinez is starting graduate education as he pursues his master’s in finance at the Zicklin School of Business in Baruch College. ✹ Darpan Roy Chowdhury founded a pharmaceutical startup for Covid-19 therapy solutions. ✹ Anna Braverman ’19 is starting a new position as a research assistant at the United Nations Executive Office of the Secretary-General. She’ll be mapping responses to large-scale, complex, and sudden-onset global emergencies from recent decades along with analysis of how these responses were organized, how they interacted with existing crisis-response mechanisms, and gaps or lessons learned. ✹ Nadia Mustefa coasts into her second year of medical training at Columbia University’s School of Nursing while addressing the social impacts of our ongoing pandemic at a private practice. ✹ Tristian Friedman starts an exciting new role as a partner manager on the business development team at OpenSea. She looks forward to empowering creatives through the world’s first peer-to-peer marketplace for crypto assets. ✹ Talia Richkin continues to lead mental-health initiatives at OnTrackNY as a youth coordinator at the New York State Psychiatric Institute. ✹ Madeline Bistrong finds much success at Handshake, as the career-services platform we were all introduced to at Colby finishes a new funding round. After joining just three years ago, she’s now part of a $3.5B company. Madeline believes that her $200M series F funding highlights how Handshake’s mission of democratizing access to opportunity has come to fruition on such a massive scale. Their exponential growth is not stopping any time soon, so if you’re interested in joining her, please reach out! ✹ Pedro Caballero reaches his fourth year of military service as a first lieutenant of communications strategy and operations officer. ✹ My original reunion neighbor, Renjian “Ethan” Zhang, approaches his first year as an associate attorney at Nguyen & Chen, where he conducts legal analysis and strategic planning for corporate clients concerned with labor, employment, and immigration law. ✹ Ant-quanique Dancy started as a software engineer at Checkr, a California-based start-up aiming to help companies hire employees with more fairness and transparency. ✹ Matt Hawkins has a new senior role at Lockheed Martin, where he focuses on the management and expansion of current developments toward future business trends (from three to more than 15 years) through architecture modeling, customer engagement, program integration, and strategic business. For anyone with an interest in augmented reality or artificial intelligence, Matt is your guy. ✹ Thank you to all who chimed in with stories. I’m so excited to see many of you at our upcoming reunion this June—which will be bigger than ever! In the meantime, you can stay involved between columns by updating your contact info on I’m always happy to discuss ideas or make introductions throughout the Colby network. Reach out anytime for a catch-up call or a socially distanced hangout in New York!
Have you been following Christian Sparacio’s band? They just finished a Northeast tour highlighting shows in Portland, NYC, and Boston. Have you followed my nonprofit art museum bus, cARTie, bridging inequities in education and arts access across Connecticut on Instagram (@CTcARTie)? If the Class of 2018 is to be collectively known for anything, perhaps it ought to be their openness to change and passion for progress. ✹ From her position at Pine Tree Legal, Julia Endicott is imagining ways to democratize resources to immigrant populations in areas like Downeast Maine. ✹ Julia Borges is near starting her own baking business, having just finished making more than 300 macarons by hand for her sister’s wedding. ✹ After two years in Durham, N.C., Kathleen Mason is back in New England! She has already run into some Colby Mules in the Boston area, and she’s looking forward to seeing more friends and visiting the Colby campus for the first time since graduation. ✹ Anna Ramsey is enjoying her second year of nurse practitioner school at the University of Vermont. She skis, hikes, and bikes as much as possible in her free time. ✹ Megan McKenna Giandomenico just celebrated her one-year anniversary with husband Paul. They also just bought their first home together in Londonderry, N.H. ✹ Sierra Fuller started a new job as a legislative assistant in Arizona Congressman Tom O’Halleran’s office in January. She lives in D.C. with Meredith Keenan, in her second year of law school at Georgetown and gearing up to be a summer associate at Sidley Austin this coming summer, and Meredith’s 9-month-old border collie, Glenfiddich Keenan. ✹ For those who didn’t get a chance to share this round, we sure can’t wait to hear what else the Class of 2018 is up to next!
Merrill Read lives in Portland, Maine, and is an environmental scientist for the Biodiversity Research Institute. Her main focus is helping solar developers create solar projects throughout the Northeast. She also delineates wetlands and waterbodies. ✹ Keller Leet-Otley works in environmental consulting (based in St. Paul, Minn.) and travels around the Midwest, primarily for fieldwork in support of utility-scale solar projects. Keller was engaged in October to Annelise Walsh ’20, and they look forward to a wedding in 2023! Keller and Annelise have two lovely bunnies, and they just got a new dog. ✹ Robert DeAngelo started a new job last October as an embedded software engineer at the Boston-based quantum computing startup QuEra Computing Inc. His group makes a quantum computer (high techy-techy new type of computer) in a novel manner in order to compete with the big tech players like Google and IBM. Kinda cool! ✹ John Sun obtained an M.S. degree in data science from the State University of New York at Albany. ✹ Kaitlin Volk attended the Air Force Officer Training School in January. If things went well, she’s now a second lieutenant completing additional training in Florida. If things didn’t go well, she’s living with her parents in Maine. ✹ In spring 2021 Holli Olson graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, where she earned an M.S.Ed. in education with a concentration in boarding school teaching (boarding school teaching residency). Over the summer, Holli worked for Overland Summers leading backcountry expeditions for high school students for eight weeks in Colorado’s Rocky Mountains. In the fall, she returned to the Lawrenceville (N.J.) School—after her fellowship as a full-time high school math teacher, field hockey coach, indoor track coach, and girls lacrosse coach—and moved into the ninth-grade girls’ dormitory as an advisor and house supervisor. Holli has gone on some awesome adventures with some of her favorite Mules, and she looks forward to many more adventures in the year ahead. ✹ Sam Rizzo and Catherine Fraser live a block apart in DC, where Sam is in med school and Catherine is in grad school. They’ve started a two-person run club and would welcome anyone interested in jogging at a moderate-to-slow pace, baking boxed Trader Joe’s bread mixes, and listening to soon-to-be Dr. Sam Rizzo list every bone in the human body. They’re currently planning a Colby women’s soccer alumni reunion in DC with Hannah Brozdowski, Katherine Gillespie, and Lindsay Ayers ’20. “CWS alums, hit us up!” ✹ Isa Berzansky and Meg Yoder are both in graduate school and live happily together in Brookline, Mass. Unfortunately, their landlord will not let them get a dachshund. ✹ Gabby Foster has been living in Jerusalem, Israel, since August 2019 and working for the nonprofit international dance organization Machol Shalem Dance House. Last year Gabby and her team dove into the world of virtual-reality dance to try to find ways to continue to connect with audiences remotely and in smaller/controlled conditions that were safe and consistent with Covid-19 regulations. They adapted the VR material to be viewable online through YouTube’s 360 feature and also shipped more than 100 VR headsets compatible with the average smartphone to partners around the world so they could view Israeli dance from afar in this more immersive way than just a 2D video. Gabby oversaw this project, and she was featured in an article in an Israeli publication: Check it out!
Are you interested in becoming the correspondent for the Class of 2020? Send an email to Colby Magazine at if you’d like more information about this twice-a-year volunteer opportunity. Thank you!